Bay Tree Solutions on How to Prepare to Sell Your Timeshare at a Fair Price

There are numerous reasons why you would want or need to sell your timeshare.

Bay Tree Solutions
Bay Tree Solutions
3 min readNov 1, 2018


No matter what the reason, it is likely to be a reluctant sale and you are going to want what you think is a fair price for it. It may be the first and only time you will sell a timeshare, though, so you are unlikely to be aware of the process involved. It can be a fairly straightforward process provided you follow some basic guidelines. Bay Tree Solutions, a timeshare resale company, is happy to share some tips.

Prepare Your Documentation

When it comes to actually selling when you have found a buyer, you will not want to be scrambling to find the necessary documents. You will also likely be required to provide the necessary documentation should you choose to use an agency to help you sell your property. Once you have everything collected, make sure you keep it all together in an easily accessible but safe place. It can also help you to take some photocopies or scans as they might come in use at some point.

Bay Tree Solutions — Timehsares have many benefits, but make sure that you are reading the fine print. Fixed weeks? Additional fees?

Read the Fine Print

Timeshares come attached with numerous benefits or restrictions that will likely have a significant impact on their value. It is important for you to read the small print to be sure of what exactly it is that you are selling. For example, Bay Tree Solutions suggests to keep the following in mind: How many weeks do you have? Are they fixed weeks? What fees are involved? It is very unlikely that such information will not be requested from the buyer, and you should have the information at hand when it is needed.

Determine Your Asking Price

Of course, you will want as much as you can possibly get for your timeshare. What you will be able to get for it though is down to what people are willing to pay for it. In order to get an idea of the market value for your timeshare, have a look to see what others are selling similar timeshares for. For the most accurate valuation, have a look to see what your resort is currently selling units for.

With a valuation in mind, you are in a better position to get a fair price for your timeshare, says Bay Tree Solutions. Others might try to offer amounts that don’t match what it is worth, but you are able to reject these and hold out for a better price.


Once you have all you need at hand and you have an idea of what you want, it is time to let others know that your timeshare is available. There are many people that are in the market for a timeshare at any one time, so it should hopefully not be long before you receive interest in yours. There are websites on the internet, like the one offered by Bay Tree Solutions, that are set up in the aim of allowing people to sell their timeshares and they can help to make the process a lot easier for you.



Bay Tree Solutions
Bay Tree Solutions

Bay Tree Solutions is an Atlanta, Georgia timeshare resale company that services property owners. Sell or rent properties through our online marketplace.