Where Science, Creativity and Caring Meet

Bayer US
Bayer Scapes
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2017

Sheryl Murphy, Deputy Director, Regulatory Affairs, Advertising/Promotion, U.S. Pharmaceuticals

Sheryl with her daughter Elizabeth

I have to admit it. I didn’t give it that much thought. But one day, I saw I was one of the winners of the “Bayer in 6” contest! The contest engaged employees to tell their story using just six words about what working at Bayer means to you.

Here’s what happened… I’m a creature of habit. Every day, I come into work around 8 a.m., grab breakfast and read through my inbox. I try to answer the easy ones first. The email simply asked, “Tell us what working at Bayer means to you in 6 words.”

My six words were, “Where science, creativity and caring meet.” As a part of the advertising and promotional review team at Bayer, I see this in action every day. We bring our products to our patients by sharing messages grounded in science and delivered creatively… because we care. We all have different roles on our team, but we have the same goal and that is simply to help people live better lives through our products. On the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, we received FDA approval for Betaseron’s myBETAapp and the BETACONNECT Navigator. The team assembled quickly and spent the evening running through launch materials with great teamwork, caffeine and take out food! What a great feeling to bring new products to multiple sclerosis patients!

Sheryl with her boyfriend Richard hiking in Utah.

As a registered dietitian, who likes to be creative, I feel lucky to have a role every day in helping patients through the work we do at Bayer.

Fun facts about me: I am the parent of a brave, creative and unique 13 year old daughter, I love traveling, fitness and sunrises. In addition to writing 6 word slogans, I like doing crossword puzzles.

Sheryl enjoying the sunrise on Sanibel Island, FL.



Bayer US
Bayer Scapes

The official profile for Bayer in the United States. Our mission ‘Science For A Better Life’ is focused on People, Plants, & Animals.