Why I’m An Ally

Bayer US
Bayer Scapes
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2018

Mariza Zaragoza, Senior Manager, Product Supply Biotech, Bayer U.S.

When I heard Bayer’s employee resource group for LGBT employees and supporters, BLEND, was launching an ally program and needed a project lead, I didn’t hesitate to volunteer. What’s an LGBT ally? It’s someone who actively supports, respects and advocates for the LGBT community and topics. In an era where we are constantly bombarded by headlines and images of hate and violence, it’s disappointing we are still fighting for equal rights for those in the LGBT community. I realize, however, that there are others who aren’t as fortunate as I am to have LGBT family and friends.

In third grade, I began a friendship that has lasted to this day. My new best friend and I had so much in common: our love of New Kids on the Block, kickball, sparkling apple cider and more. Over the years, we celebrated our birthdays, went on each other’s family trips and had slumber parties. Those were some of the best moments of my life, and I didn’t recognize until I was well into adulthood that our families were different — my best friend has two moms. Through all those years, I never realized it; we were both raised in loving and supportive environments. To me, this is what family looks like.

Throughout various stages of my life, I’ve witnessed friends and family members who have struggled to come out. I’ve seen children that have been disowned by their parents for being gay. I’ve seen friends in long-term, loving relationships but have kept them secret for years. I’ve witnessed the bravery required for someone to openly share their truest self in a society that tells you they don’t belong. Eventually, I’ve seen these same people share their truths, find solace in their community and loved ones and blossom into their best selves. The admiration I feel for them and the ways they have enriched the lives of those around them — including my own — knows no bounds.

These experiences, these people and their stories are the reasons I have chosen to be a visible ally to the LGBT community. I volunteered to take an active role in developing Bayer’s Ally Program because I want to learn how to be a better ally, advocate for my colleagues and friends, and honor my loved ones who have endured this struggle. It’s one small step towards a bigger goal of building a society that celebrates love in all its forms.

Bayer’s Ally Program is being developed to provide training to those who want to be visible allies and advocates for the LGBT community. The training includes LGBT historical context and background, illustration of concepts and situational exercises.



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Bayer Scapes

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