Women’s History Month: “Architect of Your Career”

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Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2018
Margaret Hansen-Jain

When you think of your career, what comes to mind? As we get caught up in the day-to-day of emails, phone calls and “to-do” lists, it’s important to take a step back and think about what you want, and how to achieve it. These are universally relatable and tough questions, but we knew the right person to ask. As part of Bayer’s Project Build program to develop and engage the next generation of leaders, we spoke with Margaret Hansen-Jain, Deputy Director, Business Insights about her thoughts on career development.

What does your motto “You’re the Architect of Your Career” mean to you?

Margaret: I’ve always believed in plotting your own course in career and life, but once I became a mom, this belief came into sharper focus. Competing priorities require developing a strategic focus, and a self-awareness of what you bring to the table, what differentiates you, what areas you need to develop, and what’s most important.

What advice can you offer about how to map out your career goals?

Margaret: Create a strategic vision for your career. Doing this can empower you to identify and request several stretch assignments, which you may not have considered otherwise. These assignments can help prepare you for the next move. I also recommend enlisting the support of mentors who provide honest feedback and guidance.

Tell us about something that has stuck with you throughout your career.

Margaret: My father taught me that one’s own life is the starting point for connecting with others who have different experiences, and that everyone has a contribution to make. One of the reasons I love my current role in Business Insights, is that I get to learn about our customers and identify opportunities for Bayer to address their needs.

If there was one piece of career advice you would give our readers, what would it be?

Margaret: Adopt an “ownership mindset.” Think in terms of, “If this was my budget, how would I spend it…. If this was my company, what decisions would I make….” We are all basically owners, and developing this level of engagement reshapes the way you look at things and elevates your contribution.



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