Women’s History Month: Being Your Own Cheerleader

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Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2018

Susanne Machacz, Deputy Director, Field Sales Leadership Development, Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division

Renee Landry, Associate Director, Field Sales Leadership Development, Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division

We could all use a good workplace cheerleader from time to time. Sure we have colleagues, mentors, friends and managers, but when it comes to your career, consider looking in the mirror. As part of Bayer’s Project Build — a program for developing a next generation of leaders, Susanne Machacz, Deputy Director and Renee Landry, Associate Director, Field Sales Leadership Development, talk to us about why it’s important to have faith in yourself.

How does someone become his/her own cheerleader?

Susanne: My mantra is “You Know You Can Do It.” My tendency is to hesitate or even overthink before starting on a new project or embarking on a new activity. But, recognizing that I have the skills and am comfortable with consulting experts for feedback, gives me the confidence to move ahead.

Renee: I say, “Shine Bright and Fully Own It!” I am a firm believer in putting your very best effort into everything you do. Be proud of your accomplishments, even if they are not perfect, because you worked hard to make it happen. Allow the light from within you to shine through and others will see it. Your light may guide and inspire others, too.

What keeps you motivated to be your own cheerleader?

Susanne: Each day brings about new challenges and opportunities. There is excitement in knowing I CAN gain different insights and learn something new.

Renee: Be proud of who you are and don’t apologize for it. Don’t waste your time trying to be the person others think you should be.

We are talking a lot about what we can do. What’s one thing we should try not to do?

Susanne: It’s always good to reflect, but please don’t beat yourself up. We are always learning.

Renee: In the past, I had too often given credit for my accomplishments to the team or passed accolades too quickly onto others. I was diminishing my own skills and value without even knowing it. Thanks to the guidance of many great mentors, both past and present, I have learned to embrace and accept the impact that I create.



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