7 Essential Points to Consider When Joining an Underway Project

Talal Jawaid
Bayzat Design
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2023
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Having spent the past three years at my previous company, I made the decision to transition and secured a position as a Product Designer based in Dubai. Upon joining the new company, I found myself amidst a tech gathering, where employees from various locations were invited to the headquarters in Dubai for networking and introductions.

After immersing myself in the four-day event and getting familiar with the ropes during onboarding, I found myself jumping into the thick of things on an ongoing project that was already in motion. My task? To wrap up the remaining features and ensure their successful delivery. Tackling this challenge head-on, I grappled with understanding the intricate web of connections between project elements and deciphering the ‘why’ behind the features we were shaping. Navigating the ‘what’ and ‘how’ demanded a deep dive into the project’s essence.

In light of these experiences, I’ve compiled a set of seven vital points that I believe deserve our attention. These points stem from both the hurdles I’ve overcome and the insights I’ve gained along this exhilarating journey

1. Understand the scope:

Obtain a comprehensive understanding of the project’s objectives, goals, and constraints. Thoroughly review all available documentation and engage in discussions with stakeholders to gain insight into the project’s context.

Engage in meaningful conversations with stakeholders to comprehend the project’s context and other relevant aspects. Seek clarity on the project’s purpose and understand the pain points it aims to address.

2. Study existing designs and documentation

Familiarize yourself with the existing design, research, and other relevant information to gain a comprehensive understanding of the project. Doing so will prevent duplication of efforts and enable you to build upon the work already accomplished.

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3. Identify challenges and opportunities

Take some time to delve into the current state of the project and really dig deep to uncover any design challenges that might be lurking, as well as those moments of opportunity that may have slipped by unnoticed. Additionally, keep a keen eye out for those scenarios where your unique expertise can truly shine and bring about a positive transformation. This thorough exploration will not only help address any hiccups but also allow your creative insights to shine in the most valuable areas.

4. Collaborate with the team:

Do effective collaboration with fellow team members to establish a cohesive approach to problem-solving. Engage project managers and developers early in the design process, allowing you to address technical constraints and assess feasibility.

5. Prioritize and focus

Understand the project timeline and priorities. Focus on the most critical design tasks first while keeping a long-term perspective on how your work fits into the overall project vision.

A good plan is like a road map, it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.

— H. Stanley Judd

6. Seek feedback

Share your initial observations and ideas with the team, and be open to feedback. This approach will foster alignment with the team’s perspectives and validate your assumptions.

7. Iterate and refine

Wholeheartedly adopting an iterative design process can truly be a game-changer. Keep the wheels of creativity turning by always being open to feedback — it’s like a steady stream of insights that can guide your designs toward perfection. Remember, every tweak and refinement is a step toward a better user experience. And let’s not forget about the project requirements — they can sometimes do a little dance, shifting and changing as the project evolves. But fear not, because with this iterative approach, you’ve got the flexibility to seamlessly adapt your designs, ensuring they align flawlessly with the ever-evolving landscape of user needs and project goals.


Embarking on a project that’s already in motion brings forth a blend of excitement and challenges that can be both invigorating and a bit daunting. To truly flourish within this dynamic, it’s essential to maintain a sense of adaptability, allowing yourself to seamlessly blend into the existing team’s flow. Take every opportunity to soak in the wealth of knowledge from your new colleagues, as their insights and experiences can be invaluable guideposts along the way. What’s more, don’t underestimate the power of your distinct perspective — it’s like a puzzle piece that can enhance the bigger picture of the project’s success. By embracing these fundamental principles, you’re poised to embark on a collaborative journey that’s not only fulfilling but also brimming with achievements waiting to be unlocked.

