Apple Watch Banking

Apple Watch Banking: A Prototype

Sudhir Nain
Bayzil | Product Design and UX
3 min readMar 17, 2015


Apple Watch 1.o may just be a satellite to the iPhone but it plays that role very well. As Tim Cook and his cohorts have been saying: “Apple Watch is the most personal product we’ve ever made”.

There is a huge opportunity for banks to stay closer to their customers, closer than they have ever been. The starting point in that direction is not retro fitting your iPhone app to a 38/42 mm screen.

There are a few things about the watch experience that banks need to be aware of before even initiating a discussion with their technology team/partner.

See the prototype in action or watch this quick video overview:

The App

Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines recommends two ways to do an Apple Watch app-

  1. Hierarchical model, in which the user clicks on a list menu to get to the content.
Hierarchical model

2. Page based model, in which the the user directly swipes through the content.

Page based model

Both models have their strengths but thats a separate post.

The Short and Long of the Notification

Now this is the the killer app for Apple Watch in its first version. The “Short-Look” is a quick ‘taptic’ nudge on the wrist which quickly animates to the “Long-Look” upon moving the watch face closer to your eyes. Privacy concerns are addressed because the short look reveals no personal information.

Short and Long Notification


For a quick view of your quantified life, you can pull from the bottom of the screen anytime to bring up these little infographic representations from several apps.

This prototype is worth a thousand emails and a hundred meetings

You are now probably several steps ahead of your technology partner and certainly the other banks. Feel free to use the prototype for tweaking and testing. You shouldn’t need a ton of time and money to prove what works, and prototyping does exactly that.

(Aside) Why I won’t buy the watch yet

Personally I will wait for the 2.0. I need it to be a standalone device, run for a week without charging, and a Siri that always works.



Sudhir Nain
Bayzil | Product Design and UX

Product Designer. Co-founder and CEO of Bayzil, a product design studio creating products customers love.