Sure-shot way to screw up a product 😈

Designing a great product starts with a problem worth solving.

Prachi Nain
Bayzil | Product Design and UX
1 min readApr 5, 2019


Things can go wrong at any point while building a product 🛠: decision on what to build, team alignment, design, development, testing, marketing, learning..

But the worst is a wrong start.

Just like coffee ☕️.

Hire the best barista, install the fanciest Italian coffee machine, roast the beans right, use filtered water, optimal temperature…Imagine still ending up with a sad cup of coffee.

The beans suck. Whatever followed, it didn’t matter.

As product designers, managers, strategists, and innovation drivers, it’s our responsibility to prioritise discovering a problem worth solving. Everything that follows depends on it.



Prachi Nain
Bayzil | Product Design and UX

I write about mental clarity, thinking, and writing. Creator of '10x your mind' newsletter.