An advantage of release software early

While there are several advantages, one advantage is that it makes the software resilient and robust

Ammar Rizvi πŸ‡΅πŸ‡°
Bazaar Engineering
1 min readFeb 19, 2021


PC: hurricane, the mercury news

A stressor is something that causes a state of strain or tension to something.

For architectures in physical world, an example of a stressor could be a cyclone or earth quake. The architectures that can withstand stressors can be truly termed as robust and resilient.

However in the software world, the most powerful stressor is β€œChange”. A change in a software can occur by changes in requirements or the environment or anything else that can directly impact the software, since the software is meant not to be rigid. When a software is not developed in a way to welcome changes and modifications, such software might either easily get outdated or discarded, and can be termed as fragile.

One good way for a software to deal with a stressor like β€œChange” is to deliberately and frequently expose it to change. When you release early and frequently, with short release cycles, you are expecting frequent feedback and requests for changes. This way we can design software that can both evolve and not get fragile.

