Guide To Become Google Certified Associate Android Developer

Hamza Khan
Bazaar Engineering
Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2022

After getting so many messages and requests from Android developers, I finally want to share my experience on Google’s Associate Android Developer certification.

Certificate Link:

First know about Google Developer Certification Program

Google Developers Certification lets you demonstrate your proficiency and skill. After you pass a certification exam, you can use your certification to promote yourself to the communities, projects, and employers that are important to you.

They are offering following certifications:
- Google Play Store Listing
- Associate Android Developer
- TensorFlow Developer Certificate
- Google Cloud Certified — Professional Cloud Architect
- Google Cloud Certified — Associate Cloud Engineer
- Google Cloud Certified — Professional Data Engineer

This article is a guide from my experience on how to become a Google Certified Associate Android Developer, let’s have a look on the Exam Pattern, Exam Prerequisites, advice on Time Management during the exam and the Core Areas to excel.

About Exam:
The Associate Android Developer Certification is a performance-based exam where developers write real apps to show their skills. This certification corresponds to the skills that an Android developer is expected to have.

The Exam Pattern

So it is not really a MCQs based, answering questions or knowledge based exam. It is actual testing of the Android application developer. It is designed to evaluate the developer’s capability to perform actual tasks.

The exam comprises of two main parts; a coding project, followed by an exit interview.

In the coding project you will be asked to implement new features and debug issues in an existing app. You will be expected to use the latest version of Android Studio during the exam. Google has included two options in which to take the exam; Java and Kotlin. My recommendation is that you opt for Kotlin as your programming language since it is the new buzz in town, and there is more for Kotlin programmers in the industry at the moment.

The exam is 8 hours long, that is, once you hit the Start button you will have 8 hours to complete the assigned task. Next comes the exit interview, here they will ask a couple of questions on android, it is simply to check whether it was you who gave the exam.

Exam Prerequisites

If you are already an android developer you may be ready to get through the exam, but if you are not sure and lacking in some of the skills, Google itself has provided with a training page that you may follow.

Study guide: Associate Android Developer Certification.

It is best that you go through their guide and follow their latest architecture, specifically ‘MVVM with Room database’. Also, try to create UI using Constraint Layout. Another resource from where you could study is Google’s Codelabs. If you are a complete newbie in Android Development and willing to take the exam, then I would recommend you first take Android Development courses from Udacity.

Udacity has rich and friendly content which can prove to be of great help in your learning process.

One secret ingredient is that you make a separate project for yourself from Study guide topics which you are not comfortable with, like Job Scheduler, MVVM, Room DB, LiveData, Unit Test or any topic that drives you crazy. This will help you to solve exam tasks using your own project as a guide. Keep in mind that you will not be allowed to open any other window in the Android studio while the test is going on. You will be allowed to use online resources during the exam.

Advice on Time Management During the Exam

Try solving the tasks in the given order, since some tasks may be dependent on their preceding ones. So, DON’T try to skip any. Try to solve one by one and make sure there are no CRASHES. Yeah NO CRASH because if there appears a crash in your app you’ll FAIL the exam. To avoid this, you must aptly learn how to write Unit and Instrumental Test. There will be some tasks related to write tests.

The Core Areas

As per the examiners, here are the core areas in which the Android developer is required to be competent enough to be awarded with the Certificate:

App functionality

They are expected to produce a fully functional app. — Hence this means you can not skip any lesson and should be having full command over each.

User interface

They have been encouraged to use Android’s rich UI frameworks, and be able to produce clean and effective user interfaces in the given time.

Data management

Make efficient use of Android’s effective frameworks and techniques to perform or schedule data retrieval/storage efficiently in a mobile environment.


Understand the debugging tools in Android Studio and create a more reliable and robust apps.


Be able to test the execution of a running program with the intent of finding errors and abnormal or unexpected behavior.

Registration and Cost

Please note that you must register and pay for each exam attempt. Here is the exam retake policy:

  • If you don’t pass on your first attempt, you must wait 14 days before you take the exam again.
  • If you don’t pass on your second attempt, you must wait two months before you take the exam again.
  • If after three attempts you still have not passed the exam, you must wait one year before you take the exam again.

The exam is priced at $149 USD.

Use the following link to register

Closing Up

Finally, I would suggest last but not the least, go through the exam question thoroughly, do not miss the details and the key words, take time and relax, pull out a runtime strategy on how you are going to approach the assigned task. Identify the program architecture…..

When you pass a certification exam, you’ll be featured on the official certification directory. You can include your digital mark in your email signature and embed it on sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter.

Credentials Network



Hamza Khan
Bazaar Engineering

An Android Developer working in Bazaar Technologies 🚀