Mastering Focused Problem-Solving: The Case Against Solving for an Uncertain Future

Siddique Ahmad
Bazaar Engineering
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2023
solving for future issues

In today’s ever-changing world, problem-solving has become an indispensable skill. Whether in our personal lives or within the professional realm, challenges frequently arise, demanding innovative solutions. But there’s a common inclination to solve not only for the present but also for a future that may or may not unfold as anticipated. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of focused problem-solving and why it’s essential to resist the urge to solve problems that might arise in the uncertain future.

The Temptation of Future Problem-Solving

Picture this scenario: you’re working on a project, and you envision potential challenges that could arise down the road. It’s only natural to want to preemptively solve these future problems to ensure a smooth journey ahead. After all, it seems like a prudent and proactive approach, right?

While the intention behind solving for the future is well-meaning, it can lead to unintended consequences. Here’s why we should reconsider the habit of trying to predict and solve problems that may never come to pass:

Unpredictable Changes

The future is inherently unpredictable. Circumstances, technologies, and market dynamics can change in ways we can’t foresee. What appears to be a problem today may not even be relevant tomorrow. Consequently, the solutions we develop for hypothetical future issues might become irrelevant or even counterproductive.

Resource Drain

Solving for the future can consume valuable resources — time, energy, and money. You invest in developing solutions for scenarios that may never materialise, diverting resources away from addressing real, pressing problems. This can be particularly detrimental in resource-constrained environments.

Opportunity Cost

Every hour spent solving for the future is an hour not spent on the challenges of the present. By over-committing to potential future problems, you may miss out on opportunities for innovation, improvement, or growth in the present moment.

The Importance of Focused Problem-Solving

Instead of attempting to solve problems that may arise in an uncertain future, we should embrace focused problem-solving. This approach entails:

Addressing Immediate Needs

When a problem surfaces, tackle it in the present moment. This approach allows you to understand the current context fully, assess the situation accurately, and apply the most appropriate solution. By doing so, you resolve the issue efficiently, without being encumbered by speculative future scenarios.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Focusing on present problems fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. Each challenge encountered provides an opportunity to refine your problem-solving skills, gain experience, and better understand your field or industry. This adaptability is crucial in a rapidly changing world.

Embracing Uncertainty

The future is uncertain by nature, and attempting to predict it can be an exercise in futility. Embrace the uncertainty and recognise that your ability to adapt and respond to unforeseen challenges is a more valuable asset than attempting to preemptively solve for every possible future scenario.


In our desire to be prepared and proactive, it’s tempting to solve problems that may arise in the future. However, this approach often proves counterproductive. It’s essential to remember that the future is unpredictable, resources are finite, and opportunities in the present moment should not be overlooked.

Instead, let’s adopt the mindset of focused problem-solving. Address issues as they surface, continuously learn and adapt, and embrace the ever-changing nature of our world. In doing so, we equip ourselves with the ability to navigate the challenges of the present confidently, knowing that we can tackle whatever the future may bring with adaptability and resilience. After all, it’s not about solving for a future that may have changed circumstances; it’s about mastering the art of solving problems in the here and now.


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Siddique Ahmad
Bazaar Engineering

Passionate about devops, data analytics, business solutions, #kubernets @debezium flink-statefun, kogito