Paradigm is shifting towards XP

Extreme Programming (XP) is finally gaining the attention that has been due since a long time

Ammar Rizvi 🇵🇰
Bazaar Engineering
2 min readOct 27, 2023


Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash

Software industry famous DORA Report for 2023 has recently been published, and without naming Extreme Programming (XP), it is full of praise for some of key practices of XP and Modern software development like:

🌟 User obsession

(hint: whole team approach and customer centricity are foundations of Extreme Programming),

Build with users in mind
A user focus can inform and drive improvements across all of the technical, process, and cultural capabilities we explore in our research. Teams can deploy as fast and successfully as they’d like, but without the user in mind, it might be for naught. Teams that focus on the user have 40% higher organizational performance
- excerpt from DORA Report 2023

🌟 Trunk-based development

(highlight: it can possibly bring 12.8x more impact on software delivery performance when quality (not quantity) documentation is available), and

Amplify technical capabilities with quality documentation
High-quality documentation amplifies the impact that technical capabilities have on organizational performance. Trunk-based development, for example, is estimated to have 12.8x more impact on organizational performance when high-quality documentation is in place relative to low-quality documentation.
- excerpt from DORA Report 2023

🌟 Faster code reviews

(hint: can we think of a review faster than done in mob programming?)

Unlock software delivery performance with faster code reviews
Speeding up code reviews is one of the most effective paths to improving software delivery performance. Teams with faster code reviews have 50% higher software delivery performance.
- excerpt from DORA Report 2023

Good and exciting times ahead 👋


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