Test-Driven Development (TDD) is Not the Solution

Adnan Khan
Bazaar Engineering
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2024

I’ve been writing code for the last 12 years, and over the past few years, I’ve noticed an increasing number of developers advocating for Test-Driven Development (TDD). Encouraged by the community’s enthusiasm, I decided to jump into TDD more deeply. I started with Kent Beck’s book, Test-Driven Development By Example. While I had read other books on TDD, none provided the clarity and practical insights that Beck’s work did. After going through several chapters, I finally grasped the essence of TDD and how to implement it within our team and our project context.

Inspired by Kent Beck, I applied the TDD methodology to a few large features in our projects. The initial experience was promising. I found myself more focused on writing unit tests than the actual feature code. I found a sense of satisfaction in seeing the tests pass and in the increasing focus on writing more tests while considering requirements and edge cases. In contrast, when you write feature code first and then add tests, you often miss edge cases and sometimes even the actual requirements. TDD provides a clear picture of the requirements and what you are implementing, while also addressing edge cases.

However, my experience also revealed several significant issues with TDD.

The Challenges with TDD

  1. High Ratio of Test Code: In TDD, 80 to 90 percent of your codebase consists of tests, leaving only 10 to 20 percent as actual production code written for the given feature or enhancement. Which seems to be a good thing apparently.
  2. Lack of Management for Test Code:
    Given the high volume of test code, there is no clear guidance available on its management, structure, or design. This can lead to confusion and difficulty navigating the extensive test cases, large test classes, and test data. When a bug arises, developers may have to sift through hundreds of lines of test code to determine where to add a new test or modify existing tests, resulting in a lot of effort on the developer side.
  3. Naming Unit Tests:
    Creating well-defined, easily understandable names for unit tests is a significant challenge. Clear test names are crucial for readability and maintenance but are often overlooked.
  4. Focus only on Unit Testing:
    TDD emphasizes unit testing, which focuses on individual classes. While this can ensure that small components work correctly, it does not guarantee that the entire feature will function as expected. Developers must also implement integration tests, which many are unfamiliar with or confuse with end-to-end (E2E) tests, leading to poor integration testing practices.
  5. Maintenance of Unit Tests:
    Maintaining unit tests can be problematic, especially when multiple teams are involved. Teams working on different parts of the codebase may encounter failing unit tests that they did not write. Instead of understanding and addressing the root cause, they might bypass the tests with mocks or fake data just to pass the tests, undermining the reliability of the test suite.
  6. Misalignment with Requirements:
    Developers might misinterpret requirements during the initial implementation. If the product manager later corrects the requirements, the existing tests may no longer be relevant, necessitating extensive revisions.
  7. Misleading Confidence from Unit Tests:
    Relying solely on the extensive unit tests provided by TDD can create a false sense of stability. Even with comprehensive unit tests, integration tests are necessary to ensure that different parts of the application work together correctly. Writing and maintaining these integration tests is a substantial and complex task on its own.
  8. Challenges with Integration Tests:
    Integration tests tend to be large and flaky, often failing for reasons unrelated to the code being tested. This makes them difficult to maintain and trust.


While TDD provides a structured approach to software development, ensuring thorough testing and consideration of edge cases, it is not without its flaws. The overwhelming focus on tests, coupled with the challenges in managing and maintaining these tests, can detract from productive development. Moreover, the neglect of integration tests and the complexity of maintaining meaningful test names add to the difficulties. TDD, despite its advantages, is not a panacea and should be adopted with an awareness of its limitations and potential pitfalls. Effective software development requires a balanced approach that includes, but is not dominated by, TDD.

