200 Practice Questions For HashiCorp Vault Associate Certification

Read and Practice these questions before your exam

Bhargav Bachina
Bachina Labs


Vault Associate

The Vault Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in security, development, or operations who know the basic concepts, skills, and use cases associated with open source HashiCorp Vault. Candidates will be best prepared for this exam if they have professional experience using Vault in production, but performing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment may also be sufficient.

Since this exam is multiple-choice, multiple-answer, and fill in the banks’ questions, we need a lot of practice before the exam. This article helps you understand, practice, and get you ready for the exam. All the questions and answers are taken straight from their documentation. These are only practice questions.

We are not going to discuss any concepts here, rather, I just want to create a bunch of practice questions for this exam based on the curriculum provided here.

  • Compare authentication methods
  • Create Vault policies
  • Assess Vault tokens
  • Manage Vault leases
  • Compare and configure Vault secrets engines
  • Utilize Vault CLI

