6 Different Ways To Implement Micro-Frontends With Angular

Check which architecture fits your need

Bhargav Bachina
Bachina Labs


Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

I have been working and researching on Micro-Frontends for a while now and I have enough information to share it with the world. As projects get bigger and bigger it is very difficult to maintain and collaborate these projects. As projects get bigger, their build time increases, unit tests increase, team size increases, almost everything gets bigger and gets to the stage where we can’t maintain them.

So, it’s always better to have smaller projects and smaller teams for the teams' performance and deliver the products faster to the end-user. But, sometimes your product or your app has so many features that maintaining smaller teams and projects is out of your hands. You can have separate teams for each feature but managing teams, merging all features into one repo, and resolving conflicts, etc.. all these are tedious tasks that we can avoid with Micro Frontends.

Micro-Frontends are not the framework or library. This is the methodology where we can divide our fat apps into smaller and maintainable apps and design some kind of orchestration to place these apps in the browser window so that end-users see as a single app. There are six different approaches that we could implement. Here are the 6 ways to do this irrespective of…

