All You Need To Know About Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Exam

A Complete Guide for those who want to take this exam

Bhargav Bachina
Bachina Labs


Docker is an enterprise-ready container platform that enables organizations to seamlessly build, share, and run any application, anywhere. Almost every company is containerizing its applications for faster production workloads so that they can deploy anytime and sometimes several times a day. The Docker offers Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam to validate the skillset with real-world questions designed by experienced Docker practitioners. I recently took the DCA exam and this article is all about what is this exam, tips to pass the exam, and a lot more.

  • Why should you take this exam
  • Any Prerequisites
  • About the exam
  • Where to register
  • How to train
  • Useful Tips and Tricks
  • Before the exam
  • During the exam
  • After the exam
  • Other Certifications To Consider
  • Conclusion

Why should you take this exam

As I said before, all the applications that we are building nowadays are meant for cloud infrastructure and we…

