Building An Angular App With Azure Static Web Apps Service

A Complete Guide with an example project

Bhargav Bachina
Bachina Labs


Azure Static Web Apps

Nowadays there are so many ways to build and deploy Angular apps such as angular with Java, Angular with Nodejs, serverless, etc. Building with Azure Static Web apps service is one of them and it is recently released by Microsoft Azure and it's in the preview mode. With this service, you can develop modern apps fast with global reach and scale.

You can accelerate your app development with a static front end and dynamic back end powered by serverless APIs. Experience high productivity with tailored local development experience, GitHub native workflows to build and deploy your app, and unified hosting and management in the cloud.

In this post, We will see how we can develop an Angular app with this service with an example frontend and backend NodeJS API calls.

  • Benefits of Azure Static Web Apps
  • With Other Frameworks
  • Prerequisites
  • Example Project
  • Create a GitHub Project
  • Configure an Azure Static Webapp In Azure
  • Folder Structure and Configuration
  • Angular Development
  • Azure Functions Development

