Docker — Container Management With Examples

Exploring how to run and manage containers with different options.

Bhargav Bachina
Bachina Labs


Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

A container is the specific unit of software which packages code and all the necessary dependencies to work in a standardized way. It can run in any environment quickly and reliably and it’s a runnable instance of the image.

Docker images become containers at runtime when they run in the Docker engine. Docker Containers are standard, Lightweight and secure.

In this article, Let’s explore the different ways of creating, running, removing containers and best practices as well. Here are the topics we want to cover in this article.

  • Container Architecture
  • Understanding Docker Engine
  • Building Images
  • Understanding Dockerfile
  • Starting Containers
  • Understanding the docker run command
  • Listing containers
  • Interacting with Containers
  • Inspecting Containers
  • Removing containers
  • Container logs
  • Usage of volumes with containers
  • Best Practices

Container Architecture

