How To Implement NGRX Store In Angular Apps

A complete guide with an example project

Bhargav Bachina
Bachina Labs


Photo by Meriç Dağlı on Unsplash

NGRX Store is a state management library for the Angular Apps. We used to have session management on the server before single-page applications in which we maintain a session across page requests. When it comes to single-page applications, it is kind of difficult to maintain the state. It becomes easier with the NGRX store.

Let’s jump in right away and see how we can set up state management with Angular by using NGRX Store.

Here are the things we will cover in this article

  • Example Project
  • How it Works
  • NGRX Basics
  • Prerequisites
  • Installation
  • API Implementation
  • NGRX Implementation
  • Angular Implementation
  • Summary
  • Conclusion

Example Project

Let’s have a look at the example project. We have a simple app in which we can log in, signup, and add tasks, delete tasks, and edit tasks, etc. The entire application state is maintained with NGRX. We have actions, effects, reducers, etc. We will see all in this example.

