Learn Enough React For The Interview

A must-read before your Interview

Bhargav Bachina
Bachina Labs


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

React is one of the popular Javascript libraries and it’s going to be more popular in 2019 and beyond. React is released first in 2013 and it gained a lot of popularity over the years. It’s a declarative, component-based and efficient javascript library for building user interfaces.

I want to discuss React concepts that every aspiring and current react developer should know before their interviews.

Here are the topics you must know before your interview.

  • What is Declarative Programming
  • Declarative Programming vs Imperative Programming?
  • What is Functional Programming
  • What is Component Design Pattern
  • What is React
  • How Does It Differ from Angular
  • What is Virtual DOM and How it works
  • What is JSX
  • Components and Different Types
  • Props and State
  • What are PropTypes
  • How to Update State and How not to
  • Component Lifecycle Methods
  • Composition Over Inheritance
  • How to Apply Styles In React

