React — How To Proxy To Backend Server

Explaining how to configure a proxy for backend API calls with an example.

Bhargav Bachina
Bachina Labs


Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

There are so many ways we can develop and deploy React application. Mostly we are deploying React applications in serverless mode nowadays. We can store all the react assets or build in the S3 bucket for the static web hosting and call the API calls with CORS enabled. You can even use Azure static web app service to host the React application with Azure functions as a backend service.

Whatever the deployment method we use we have to use proxy in the development environment. We often talk to backend servers in the development phase

  • What is proxying
  • Example Project
  • Proxy Setup with Create React App
  • Manual Proxy Setup
  • How To Proxy to Multiple APIs
  • Rewrite the Path URL
  • Multiple app entries to one API endpoint
  • Summary
  • Conclusion

What is proxying

In general, A proxy or proxy server serves as a gateway between your app and the internet. It’s an intermediate server between client and servers by forwarding client requests to resources.

