2018’s Biggest NBA Turkeys So Far!

Damian S
Basketball in a Nutshell
3 min readNov 20, 2018
Gobble Gobble

We are almost two months into an exciting, chaotic and drama filled NBA season and it seems like the right time to call out some of the the under cooked and greasy turkeys floating around the NBA so far.

Tweedle Thompson & Tweedle Love

One has a big mouth and the other one has a big contract and neither one has backed it up on the court. Kevin Love is hurt and has played a total of 136 minutes and is shooting .323% from the field and .292% from 3pt range. In Love’s absence the Thompson led Cavs are 2–13 and are a train wreck to watch. If the road to the championship goes through Cleveland then the road must be paved with turkey gravy!

Tom “Tofurky” Thibodeau

This so called “defensive genius” now needs to be defensive about keeping his two jobs that he doesn’t really seem that good at. The Timberwolves are in the bottom of the league in defense ( like usual ) and 0–8 on the road and headed to Nowhereville. Thibs also just traded away his soap opera pal Jimmy Butler and his broken footed 1st round pick Patton and got back questionable assets for them, after giving up Lavine, Dunn and Markkanen in the first place. Thibs is trussed and stuffed and ready for the oven.

Washington Bullets

Lately in DC everything is exploding behind closed doors except for Agent Zero’s gun. Teammates going at each other and they are 5–11. Why now? Is it more of the Dwight Howard curse or has it always been this way? Are the stars to blame or poor Coach Brooks? No matter who is to blame, the facts are obvious, there are lots of sour cranberries at the dinner table and things are getting saucy!

Hoodless Melo

Yet another NBA team sees Melo kill their offensive scheme and then vomits him to the curb as quick as they can. At least Houston was smart enough to admit their gamble backfired and it was time to move on. Perhaps Melo and Dwight Howard should take their own Banana Boat picture, or better yet an Eggplant Dinghy picture and Photoshop JR Smith on to it. Turkeys Overboard!

Luka Non-believers

Yep, Luka Doncic is for real and some people and GMs doubted it. Heck, sometimes even watching Luka turn over the ball is a highlight reel worthy treat. Top that off with the fact that he is scoring 19pts a game, almost 7 rebounds a game and 4 assists a game and I would say he is for real. Heck he doesn’t even look like he is in NBA shape yet and is still adjusting to the deeper 3pt range and the the speed of the game. The Euro Wonder Boy is making some NBA “experts” eat their words and they should all feel like silly “Turd”uckens!

