Getting inspired at the BBC Engineering Conference

David Andrade
BBC Product & Technology
1 min readNov 17, 2022

The BBC’s Engineering teams develop and run our digital products at scale — ensuring our digital services are available and accessible to audiences that need them the most, and as as reliable as our broadcast ones.

Recent times have tested the resilience of our teams and our services but we’ve delivered at every moment. Overcoming significant technical challenges and enabling the BBC to serve millions of users with great content, across different products and devices.

And so we thought it was about time that the team had a chance to get together, connect with each other face to face, and get inspired by how much we do for our audiences.

In October, over 600 colleagues from more than 150 technical teams from across the BBC got together in Manchester for the first BBC Engineering Conference. The day covered a range technical areas, knowledge sharing and networking. We had both internal and external speakers, as well as a leadership panel.

Sometimes we set out to inspire our teams and they inspire us even more in return, this was one of those moments. It sets up perfectly for a great end of 2022 and also for a future Digital First BBC.

The video is a snapshot of what we got up to!

