What are SandBBOXX Projects?

BBOXX Engineering
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2016

BBOXX was born out of an innovative student project at Imperial College. The Off-Grid Solar industry is constantly evolving and it is crucial BBOXX retains its capacity to innovate.

A Boost of Innovation

SandBBOXX projects are designed to give employees one day every fortnight to be free to explore ideas and experiment with new technologies. A SandBBOXX day starts with BBOXXers creating rough project plans. They then have to propose these plans to the team. The intention is for them to recruit help but they can go it alone. They then have the day to come up with a Minimum Viable Product(MVP). The form of the deliverable can vary depending on the project. Examples deliverables are a presentation, a simple piece of hardware or a software demo.

The next morning the MVPs are presented to the department. The projects that stand out as useful for the business will be chosen by the managers to become part of the normal development flow of the business.

Its important to note that most SandBBOXX project will fail. This is good! If projects succeed too often then boundaries are not being pushed enough. There is more to SandBBOXX projects than just extractable business value. They promote inter-team collaboration and skill sharing. They are a way for employees to practise giving presentations and planning projects.

Notable SandBBOXX projects:

  • Firmware Update Compression
  • Content Distribution Network(CDN) and HTTP2 Support
  • Demo Auto Switch Off Systems
  • This Blog

