WEEK 1-Cities and Restaurants

Team Members : Ahmet Oruç, Sergen Topçu, Denizkaan Aracı

Ahmet Oruc
1 min readNov 19, 2017


Description of the project

People want to eat outdoors for some time to get tired of the day or to have fun. The most important problem that this request brings is the restaurant choice. Finding a restaurant with the features we want is often time-consuming. There are some priorities that separate people from each other in their choices.

We are using these features in our project to find the best restaurant for a customer. For some customers, the proximity of the restaurant is pre-programmed, while for some customers, the scenery or service presentation can be a priority. We can copy these examples.

In general, the most important objective of our project is to write a program that will estimate restaurants that you can go to happily without spending a lot of time. We will use the dataset that we found as internet preparation to make forecasts. We will use these as train data to teach the machine. After that, we will make the program predict for future test data.

You can see our dataset below:

