[WEEK 2] Make World Green Again!

İhsan Baran Sönmez
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2017

This week, we have researched attributes used for predicting air pollution. When we read previous related works, we have seen that the most common way to predict air pollution is using the density of molecules in air as attributes( eg. measuring concentrations of SO2, NOx, PM10 and CO pollutants.)

China Air Pollution

The factors that cause an increase in density of pollutants can be categorized as follows:

· Emissions from industries and manufacturing activities

· Burning Fossil Fuels

· Farming Chemicals

· Natural occurrences like volcanoes

· Flora of the area (Forests)

· Population and their habits (smoking, usage of chemical products)

The meteorological parameters effect the density of pollutants as well. However, effects of these parameters might be related to factors above. For example, a decrease in temperature causes an increase in fuel consumption, this way concentration of SO2 increases. We considered these parameters as weaker attributes, but they might be useful in some cases.

The meteorological parameters are the following:

· Temperature

· Sea level Pressure

· Cloudiness

· Wind speed and direction

· Relative humidity


Meteorlojik parametrelerin hava kirliliğine etkilerinin yapay sinir ağları modeli ile incelenmesi

