WEEK 4-Cities and Restaurants

Team Members : Ahmet Oruç, Sergen Topçu, Denizkaan Aracı

Ahmet Oruc
1 min readDec 24, 2017


In last week’s blog post we mentioned that we decided to use the yelp company’s dataset and what algorithms to use. In this blog post, I will talk about the results we got from the algorithms that we used. First, we separated the data that user went to the restaurant.

The results we achieve will be the average result of all users. We calculated the accuracy using this dataset in 3 different algorithms. These three algorithms are decision tree classifier, Neural Network, and naive-Bayes algorithms. When calculating this accuracy, the values we gave to some variables such as the size of the test and train data, the max_depth factor, the random_state factor caused the resultant differentiation.

The average accuracy of these algorithms is as follows.

