[Week 2-Facade Parsing Using Deep Learning]

furkan karababa
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2018

Team Members: furkan karababa, Onur Cankur , Javid Rajabov

What is Convolution Neural Network(CNN)

Last week we have seen more than one way to do our project.That’s why we split up and started investigating every single way.Every path we found was common to the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) algorithm. Therefore, we first investigated CNN.We read articles and watched videos to learn from Convolution Neural Network (CNN).


The resources we use when working with Convolution Neural Network (CNN) are available in the reference section.

Related Source Code About Facede Parsing Using Deep Learning

Another thing we did this week was searching for source code related to facede parsing using deep learning.For this, we first looked at articles on internet and other related websites. But we couldn’t find any source code anywhere.

Later, we looked at the articles in the related works section that we found in the first week. Then we sent mail to the people in the article. But they have not yet returned. We’ll work harder to find another way if we don’t get an answer to our e-mails.

Mail addresses have been added to the reference part.


About CNN: Andrew ng on YouTube , Lecture Collection | Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (Spring 2017) , Visualizing the activations and first-layer weights , Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs / ConvNets)

About Source Code: paper1 , paper2 , paper3 , paper4 , paper5

