Questions companies need to ask themselves when considering a website redesign | BBT

Helen Dawson
BBT | Digital Agency
5 min readJun 4, 2021

It goes without saying that an effective website is a necessary tool for ensuring that your company remains (or becomes) successful and well-established amongst your target audience. Creating a solid digital presence and having an effective digital marketing strategy are vital for business growth and profitability, while also ensuring that you stand out from the crowd.

Investing in the redesign of your website is an important decision, but it’s important to keep in mind that it can lead to a great ROI if it’s done well. It is essential to evaluate your digital presence and examine the way that your brand is presented to your target demographic. Essentially, there are many factors to take into consideration when the topic of a website redesign is on the table.

We’ve outlined a few questions for you to keep in mind below:

Is your current website an accurate representation of your company?

Your website is a digital representation of your company which should champion your values, purpose and brand strategy. So whether you have recently adjusted your brand identity (including everything from updating your values to a full overhaul of your logo and appearance) or you have an outdated website which is no longer reflective of your market positioning, you will need a new website which clearly demonstrates who you are.

Making sure that your company’s brand identity is accurately represented by your digital presence is vital in fostering brand loyalty and consumer trust. Your website should represent your tone, purpose, and positioning clearly through intentional design, messaging, and content.

Presenting your company’s narrative in an engaging and effective manner allows for your website to become a reference point which validates your audience. However, if your current website is not an accurate representation of your company values and positioning, you may want to consider a redesign.

Are you fully utilising your SEO?

Enacting a powerful SEO strategy will lead to higher rankings for your website on a search engine results page. This heightens your search and brand visibility which will correlate with higher quality leads visiting your website.

There are several key benefits of an effective strategy including brand awareness, improved organic traffic, and lead generation to name a few. In order to increase your search rankings and brand awareness it is crucial to apply a SEO strategy that analyses the Google Search Console to identify the keywords that will perform the best for SEO and SERP exposure.

Essentially, your website needs to be tagged correctly for search engine rankings. Below are some questions to consider when investigating whether your website is already SEO optimised or considering redesigning your website:

  • When was the last time you ran an SEO audit?
  • Is your web content already ranking for Google keywords?
  • Are your rankings currently being monitored?
  • Have your internal linkings been set up properly?
  • Are your current SEO procedures in accordance with search engine best practices?

How effectively are you generating traffic and converting leads?

A well executed online presence should operate as a marketing and sales tool, creating optimised user journeys to cultivate leads and direct users towards conversion. For this process to succeed you need to create CTAs which are clear and provide the user with the opportunity to convert, get in contact, or complete a transaction.

If your current website is not converting and generating new business, then we would recommend conducting an audit of your website to gain a better understanding of user behaviour. Google Analytics is a great tool for analysing the length of time users are staying on each page, where they tend to drop off, and what content they interact with the most. By gathering this information you will ideally be able to understand the end goal of users as well as gaining insight into optimisation issues and pain points in the customer journey. These factors should be considered during UX and UI design in order to increase conversion rates and create a website that can operate as a funnel for lead generation.

Does your website create knowledge gaps?

It is vital to evaluate the type of information and content that you are making available to your audience and how it is presented. If visitors are unable to locate the information they expected to find when they visit your website then it’s highly likely that your bounce rate will increase.

In order to understand why your audience may be facing a knowledge gap when they visit your website it can be beneficial to look at it from their perspective. For instance, you can ask yourself if the copy is complex and difficult to understand as opposed to clear and easy to understand. If you find that your language isn’t easily comprehensible then you can consider putting a content marketing strategy into place where you break up large chunks of text with images and design elements to create a more balanced user experience.

Scoping a redesign for your company website gives you the ability to optimise content and establish clear and intuitive user journeys. Having clean site navigation leading to information and resource discovery is a straightforward way of showcasing products and services, as well as your blogs, thought leadership, and company insights.

Additionally, you can effectively promote your products, services, and content by employing a user-first approach to responsive design. This involves designing the website to meet the needs of your end user and functions consistently across different devices. Examples of responsive design include emphasising content through the usage of white space and ensuring that your website is built to fit a mobile screen.

Collectively, these UX and UI elements will help to reduce knowledge gaps and ensure that users have the information they require to convert. If your current website has a high bounce rate, or users have a difficult time trying to extract information, then you may want to consider a web redesign.

Are you ready to take the plunge?

A website redesign is no cake walk. However, if you are experiencing any of the problems we’ve listed above, then it might just be worth it.

At BBT, we’ve helped clients overhaul and redesign their websites to capture their brand identity, tell their story, and achieve their business goals. To check out some examples, head on over to our work page.

Here at BBT, we create digital solutions to build, propel, and power great businesses. Our website design and development process goes beyond simply making sure that your website is easy on the eye, we also ensure that it does everything you need it to do, both on the day of the launch and moving forward.

Whether you’re interested in a website redesign but don’t know where to start or you just want to find out more about how we work, drop us a line and get in touch.

