Ask Me Anything with Dave Chapman | Future of Libracoin

BC Group
BC Group
Published in
9 min readJul 18, 2019


Question 1
Facebook’s global digital currency project Libra has not only gained the attention of the US Senate but also caused heated debates around the world. What do you think of Libra’s logic?

Why would Facebook issue its own digital currency, what could this mean for them in the future?

At the just-concluded Libra hearing, Facebook said that Libra will fully cooperate with regulators in the US as well the regulators around the world before the launch of Libra. Do you think that’s possible?


Whilst one could argue that it’s ambitious to think that Libra represents a near-term, immediate threat to traditional payment networks such as Visa and Mastercard, it is interesting to note that both of these firms have joined the Libra association, each along with a 10m USD membership fee. That could be surprising for those who have continually dismissed the digital asset ecosystem prospects.


I do believe that the traditional payment firms and banks have dismissed tech companies for some time, however if we appreciate the transformation that a limited number of tech companies have already achieved, for example, WeChat and Tencent in China, it’s not a hard stretch to think that a tech firm like Facebook really does have the ability to dislocate the payments rails businesses as we know it today. We have to remember, Facebook, along with its subsidiaries WhatsApp, Instagram, and other subsidiaries, have penetration across a quarter of the world’s population. It’s a very natural reaction to see traditional finance be quite shaken by this development, not to mention regulators approach this was apprehension and caution.


Some are curious as to whether Mark Zuckerberg is a good representative for crypto, there is no denying the firms troubled past, with privacy being the obvious concern. Does it make sense to allow a company with already so much influence on consumer behavior to extend to payments? Time, and not to mention regulatory approval to be wielded with so much authority, will really tell.

然而,随着这一资产类别的持续增长,监管将变得更加突出。虽然今天加密领域的许多参与者都不愿意接受监管,但现实情况是BC Group这样的公司早就预料到了这一天。正如我们首席执行官Mr. Hugh Madden今天早上给客户和投资者的公开信中所说,我们正在目睹监管的改变。在十年的大部分时间里,这个资产类别一直由很少关注监管和消费者保护的玩家所领导,现实情况是,下一轮转型将极大地依赖于风险管理,透明的资产负债表,合规框架,可靠的审计并为即将到来的监管做好准备。那些已经为这种转变做好准备的人将会蓬勃发展。

The certainty, however, will be that regulation will become more prominent as this asset class continues to grow. Whilst many of today’s participants in the crypto space shy away from regulation, the reality is firms such as BC Group have long anticipated this day. As our CEO Hugh Madden stated in an open letter to our clients and investors this morning, we are witnessing a changing of the guard. Whereas for the better part of a decade this asset class has been led by venues with very little regard to regulation and consumer protection, the reality is this next wave of transition will depend immensely on risk management, transparent balance sheets, compliance frameworks, credible audits and being well-positioned for the inevitable upcoming regulation. Those who are already prepared for this transition will flourish.


Question 2
POTUS Donald Trump tweeted earlier to voice out his concerns on Facebook’s Libracoin and Bitcoin, stating the asset is baseless like air, and quoting Buffet that Digital asset is like rat poison. What is their true intention? How will this affect the meaning of blockchain and cryptocurrency in other developing and third world developing countries?


Whilst some might view comments from Trump as being skeptical, the reality is very bullish when the President of the United States acknowledges its existence. Regulators and financial incumbents alike are fearful of bitcoin and initiatives such as Libra. That’s because they look to displace and disrupt traditional finance.

I’m extremely excited what this means for the future, both in developed and developing nations!

I have a very funny Meme, hopefully, someone here can translate for me.

特朗普: “比特币不是钱,纯属无中生有” 美联储:


Question 3
Justin Sun, a 90s entrepreneur from China, bought Buffett’s lunch and is trying to get Buffett to understand blockchain and cryptocurrency. As the world’s top investor, Buffett has repeatedly slammed cryptocurrency as a fraud. What do traditional investors think of blockchain and cryptocurrency? What do you think are the main obstacles that prevent traditional investors from accepting cryptocurrency?


I applaud Justin for his efforts! Bidding for that lunch was an awesome idea!


Buffet was also completely wrong about Google (and other tech firms). Whilst I respect Buffet immensely, the reality is he has dominated an era of time that is no longer relevant today. Technology is going to shape this world as it has already revolutionized our lives today. The fact Buffet doesn’t understand bitcoin and digital assets is not a concern to me. As Satoshi said: If you don’t understand it, I don’t have time to educate you.


With respect to obstacles preventing investors from participating in this asset class, the excuse is that they do not understand the technology. The reality is they will never understand how the technology actually works.


Take the Internet, for example, …do investors really understand how the Internet works? The protocols? What actually happens when I type “www” into a browser? Of course, they don’t. And this will be the same with bitcoin. As bitcoin and digital assets become more legitimized, the education part won’t matter anymore.


I am sure Justin will help Warren change his ways of thinking!!!


Bitcoin is very useful for internet payments, but unfortunately, not a lot of people like spending it as the thinking is that it will increase in value.


Provided the current economic and political uncertainty, there is a strong belief that the price of bitcoin will continue to appreciate.


Question 4
Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, and other companies have applied blockchain technology to their own supply chain scenarios and began accepting virtual currency payments. What do you think are the core drivers of these traditional giants dipping their toes in blockchain and cryptocurrency? What are the resistances they may encounter?


It could be argued that blockchain is one of the most over-promised and under-delivered technologies since big data or cloud computing. For about 5 years, the concept of “blockchain” has been sold to everyone from finance to logistics, to healthcare. The supposed endless possibilities of “blockchain” fixing all the world’s problems are absurd. The reality is that whilst blockchain is indeed an amazing technology, it will need time to mature prior to it actually delivering on all the promises made so far.


Though that being said, blockchain will deliver on efficiency gains and superior audibility in time. We are starting to see successful trials of blockchain integrations and I anticipate that over time we will see more adoption of this tech.


Question 5
Now, the value of blockchain technology has been generally accepted, but the attitude on cryptocurrencies is still divided. What do you think is the regulatory and compliant pathway forward for crypto? What efforts have been made by the government and the regulatory authorities in Hong Kong?


Whilst I admire the libertarian roots of bitcoin, regulation and digital assets is a certainty. Whilst many consider regulation to be a burden and unnecessary, the reality is there is no surer way to confirm the legitimacy and credibility of an asset class than when a regulator steps in with policy. The lack of regulatory clarity is also one of the primary reasons preventing further institutional adoption.


For a very long time, regulators dismissed bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I feel with some hoping it would go away. However this asset class is now acknowledged by regulators and financial incumbents alike, and this is very positive for bitcoin and crypto as a whole.


Hong Kong is demonstrating its innovative heritage by proposing a virtual asset sandbox regime. Whilst not guaranteed to materialize, the reality is we are seeing regulators globally enter this sector with similar initiatives.


I anticipate a global focus on regulation and estimate that this entire asset class will be regulated in most established jurisdictions within the next 2 years.

但值得肯定的是,随着这类资产的持续增长,监管也会变得更加突出。虽然今天许多加密领域的参与者都在回避监管,但是像BC Group这样的公司早就预料到了这一天的到来。正如我们的首席执行官休·马登(Hugh Madden)昨天在致客户和投资者的公开信中所说,我们见证了这场变革(详细内容可参阅)。然而,在过去十年的大部分时间里,这种资产类别一直存在于在监管力度弱和客户保护力弱的场所,但现如今,下一波转型将极大地依赖于风险管理、透明的资产负债表、合规框架、可信的审计,并且为即将到来的不可避免的监管做好准备。而那些已经准备好迎接这场变革的人(如BC Group)将会抓住机遇,势如破竹。

The certainty, however, will be that regulation will become more prominent as this asset class continues to grow. Whilst many of today’s participants in the crypto space shy away from regulation, the reality is firms such as BC Group have long anticipated this day. As our CEO Hugh Madden stated in an open letter to our clients and investors yesterday (Read Here), we are witnessing a changing of the guard. Whereas for the better part of a decade this asset class has been led by venues with very little regard to regulation and consumer protection, the reality is this next wave of transition will depend immensely on risk management, transparent balance sheets, compliance frameworks, credible audits and being well-positioned for the inevitable upcoming regulation. Those who are already prepared for this transition (like BC Group) will flourish.

刚刚提到的,你所在的BC Group作为一家香港上市公司,在区块链方面有哪些战略布局?其主推的业务是什么?

Question 6
What has your company BC Group done in the blockchain space, as a Hong Kong-listed company? How would you describe your main business?

在过去18个月里,我们在港交所主板上市公司(BC Group 00863)旗下构建了数字资产及区块链技术子公司体系。

We’ve spent the past 18 months building digital asset and blockchain technology subsidiaries within a mainboard listed, HKSE company (BC Group 00863).


Our primary businesses are:

OSL — 亚洲领先的数字资产经纪公司 — 推进交易、系统化RFQ价格匹配系统及对冲产品

OSL ( — Asia’s leading digital asset prime brokerage, facilitating block trades, systematic RFQ and hedging products.

ANXONE — 目前还未正式全面开始运营的数字资产交易渠道 — 主要面向职业交易员,注重机构级的匹配引擎(FIX可连接性、同位置选项等)结合一系列我们相信在这一领域迎来全球性的管制后所必要的合规工具(包括市场巡察、交易监控、链分析等)

ANXONE ( — Our (currently soft-launched) digital asset exchange venue — focused primarily on professional traders with the nucleus focused on an institutional matching engine (FIX connectivity, co-location options etc) combined with a suite of compliance tools that we believe will be mandatory as this space becomes regulated globally (including market surveillance, transaction monitoring, chain analytics etc).


ANXONE Solutions, consisting of:

ANXONE 白标 — 我们的SaaS 系统,可以迅速实现交易所及系统化的RFQ报价匹配系统的构建。白标系统及独有的集团内部流动性通道,我们将帮助客户解决成立新交易所面临的最大难题 — — 流动性。

ANXONE Turnkey Solution — our SaaS stack that can be quickly provisioned to deploy turn-key, white labels for both exchange and/or systematic RFQ platforms. Our unique approach of liquidity aggregation across our own platforms in addition to our deployed turnkey platforms solve the most difficult challenge of launching a digital asset trading venue — liquidity.

ANXONE 托管- 5月正式上线,我们提供行业里少有的为冷、热钱包结构同时提供100%保险赔付保证的托管解决方案,体现了我们超高的技术保障与内部管理水平。

ANXONE custody — officially launched in May, we are one of the few custody solutions that offer the optionality of 100% insurance for both hot and cold wallet infrastructure — a testament to the maturity of our custody technology stack and affiliated operational controls.


Assisted by the fact that we appointed a big 4 accounting firm as our group auditor (a first in the world for a listed, digital asset focussed business), we are extremely well-positioned for the next phase of institutional adoption and increased regulatory requirements.


Question 7
The other day, the People’s Bank of China made a statement that they expect market institutions would be preparing to launch digital money. What do you think is the value of the People’s Bank of China doing digital money? What kind of results do they want to achieve? In fact, China has already achieved digital currency, the fb description of the transfer as convenient and low cost as chat.


There is immense value for every government and central bank to consider issuing a digital currency. They are primarily two-fold:

1. 税收 — 将对一种具有完全控制权的货币实现高效的征税。目前针对现实现金的税收难言高效。

1. Tax — you can more effectively collect tax on a currency you maintain complete control over. You cannot effectively tax physical cash.

2. 控制 — 将能够够高效地控制现金的使用,并且获得与现实现金相比更多的信息。

2. Control — you can more effectively control how money is spent and also collect far more information than you can with physical cash.


Please note! I am not necessarily a supporter of these primary reasons but those are the facts!


Physical cash will be abolished in the next decade, if not half-decade. We are already seeing jurisdictions abolish large denominated notes, such as Europe and India.


It has been my pleasure and thank you for hosting me. For those who use Twitter, you can follow me @

今天Dave跟我们分享了他对Libra,金融机构如何参与,和区块链国际监管趋势等问题的想法。我相信如果大家还有任何问题他都愿意随时解答。作为在香港区块链行业深耕5年之久,而且是世界第一个区块链上市企业的创始人,我们希望在不久的未来BC Group可以为行业的合规化,金融服务的普及化,以及面向传统行业的推广融合做出更大的贡献。

Today, Dave shared his insights on Libra, the participation of financial institutions, and the global trend of blockchain regulation. He’s happy to answer any questions you have any time.

As the founder of the first listed blockchain corporate rooted in Hong Kong for 5 years, we hope that in the near future BC Group can contribute more towards compliance for the industry, and further widespread application in the finance industry, and move forward to allow more traditional institutions to enter the space.



BC Group
BC Group

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