2023 Retrospective: Achievements and Outlook for 3videnZ

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6 min readJan 22, 2024

Before unveiling our roadmap for 2024, let’s look back at the year 2023 and the accomplishments of the 3videnZ ecosystem. We received an international award in collaboration with one of the most prestigious universities in the world, continued to evolve our products, and maximized R&D in the field of Web3 Credentials. Not to mention our new websites: 3videnZ is more committed than ever to innovation. We invite you to join us in celebrating these achievements and to look forward to the future ones, with a goal of continuous improvement and excellence.

Key Figures

With over 220 institutional users in 24 countries, 3videnZ has never been used in as many countries as it is today. In 2023, institutions from Colombia, Cameroon, and Malaysia joined the list of countries where 3videnZ is deployed. As a result, 3videnZ blockchain certificates are issued and accessed worldwide.

Notable Projects & Events

  • 1EdTech Learning Impact Conference: The global benchmark event for the EdTech community during which BCdiploma received the Learning Impact GOLD Award for “Stanford CPD and BCdiploma’s Partnership for Personalized and Verifiable Blockchain Credentials”. This is both a crowning achievement and a culmination for the first use case of 3videnZ technology.

You can find the video and article about the award here: https://scpd.stanford.edu/news-insights/news/scpd-receives-learning-impact-award.

  • Binance Crypto Academy: Nearly a thousand certificates from the Binance Crypto Academy were distributed to Binancians in 2023, and over 16,000 since the crypto giant started using 3videnZ. A 3videnZ certificate shared on X by a Binancian:
  • Ihitai Project: This project, initiated in French Polynesia by the Polynesian Directorate of Maritime Affairs (DPAM), is the first governmental use case of 3videnZ. It was unveiled in August 2023 and aims to make life easier for sailors, particularly by ensuring the secure issuance of professional qualifications.

A press article covering the Ihitai project (FR):

  • World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO established the Epidemic Information Network (EPI-WIN) to provide scientific information on health emergencies. 3videnZ was chosen to issue certificates for participation in awareness webinars they organize. A certificate issued by the WHO shared on X:
  • Cryptomask: A project in collaboration with @TheCryptomasks aimed to certify the physical version of their NFTs with an original Web3-oriented certificate of authenticity.

The team deliberately focused on EdTech-oriented events and was present at the Learning Technologies France conference, BETT, Badge Summit, the eCampusOntario Annual Forum, CAUCE, and the Digital Credentials Summit.

Notable Product Developments

  • 3videnZ has a new website: https://www.3videnz.com. It will be updated with new projects, use cases, and metrics over the course of 2024.
  • The BCdiploma website has been redesigned: more relevant in terms of SEO, easier to understand, it aims to be cutting-edge in terms of content in the Digital Credentials domain. A “Portfolio” page, showcasing many certificates from institutions using 3videnZ, is also online: https://www.bcdiploma.com/portfolio
  • Stackable credentials”: Of course, the BCdiploma product is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the market and institutional users. A new “Pathway” feature allows, from a final certificate, to view the different skills acquired throughout the learning journey. This enriches and details the final certificate, improving tracking and employability of graduates.
  • WCAG Compliance: In collaboration with Access42, which translates W3C accessibility standards into French, we conducted work related to the accessibility of 3videnZ certificates following an audit. At its conclusion, we were awarded an RGAA 4 Accessibility Declaration and an Accessibility Conformance Report. These efforts allow the BCdiploma solution to meet the highest standards of global accessibility. By ensuring our technology is accessible to all, we not only adhere to global standards but also expand our reach, making it easier for a wider audience to benefit from our innovative digital credentials.
  • A new 3videnZ-branded DApp! To perfectly address use cases not oriented towards EdTech, a 3videnZ-branded DApp was launched. Here is a screenshot:
  • Web3 Credentials: The integration of Web3 Digital Credentials in the form of NFT/SBT into 3videnZ products was at the heart of 3videnZ’s R&D activity in 2023. The goal here is to provide accessible tools for institutions and non-tech/cryptocurrency enthusiasts to issue, distribute, and use this new, innovative format of Credentials. These developments are now available in production and are already being used in several of the cases described earlier.


  • POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol) : 3videnZ has been involved in events related to gemmology, leading to the issuance of NFTs for its participants. This is the first implementation of SBT (SoulBound Token, non-transferable NFT) by 3videnZ. The use case will be revealed soon with our partner.
  • Revealable SoulBound Tokens: The “Diploma NFT” use case, with a first demonstration performed for the Binance Crypto Academy team. Essentially, it’s a non-transferable ERC 5484 type NFT, whose content can be revealed onchain by the NFT owner. This implementation is the result of several years of R&D and will be detailed soon in a dedicated white paper. Here’s an example available on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/assets/bsc/0xf6c81c306ade57a90ff72ba43550e66934d78abe/1
  • SSI: 3videnZ contributes within the Prometheus-X project to the provision of an open-source decentralized identity management (SSI) framework for institutions in the Gaia-X ecosystem. Notably, the development of a “SIWE” type library will enable authentication on Web portals for NFT holders, in a secure and decentralized manner.
  • Wallet: How can we discuss NFTs and Digital Credentials without mentioning Wallets? An initial version of mywallet.cloud has been launched to maximize the adoption of Web3 Credentials formats.
  • FAQ about Web3 Credentials: Although it is increasingly commonly accepted that blockchain has characteristics perfectly aligned with the needs of Digital Credentials, the innovative solutions using it sometimes face questions and criticisms that require explanation. That’s why we have put online an FAQ about the blockchain technology used by BCdiploma & 3videnZ, here it is: https://www.bcdiploma.com/faqBcdiploma


The year 2023 has been full of twists and challenges for BCDT. To address the problems caused by the failure of the Multichain bridge, the 3videnZ team commits to redeploying this year a token that allows holders with BCDT locked outside of Ethereum to recover them safely.

2024 R&D Roadmap

In 2024, R&D will remain at the heart of 3videnZ’s activity, focusing on the integration of Web3 (NFT/SBT) & SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) components in BCdiploma, primarily supporting the Open Badges v3 standard in the DCC (Digital Credentials Consortium) and EBSI (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure) ecosystems. One of the goals is to accelerate the first large-scale deployments of SBT-type diplomas and Verifiable Credentials within higher education institutions in the coming months! Stay tuned!

Thank you again for your support in 2023

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Software development, Ethereum, Blockchain, Web3, EdTech