7 features of BCDiploma compared to other solutions

Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2017


Malta, Australia, USA: recent experiments are making the idea that the blockchain is the right technology to certify diplomas very popular. Big stakeholders, such as Sony and IBM, plans to launch their own “proprietary” solutions.

The topic of diploma certification is very old in the world of blockchain (the experiments of ESILV, Holberton School or MIT must be mentioned). But with the arrival of Ethereum, the game has changed, and, with BCDiploma, we aim to offer a solution that can be deployed massively in establishments all over the world. BCDiploma is the first application case of our EvidenZ framework.

EvidenZ is an innovating technology, compared to the current blockchain actors. Easy-to-implement and user-friendly, the framework has been conceived for the general public. Our incentive program aims to give to EvidenZ a worldwide exposure, from 2018 onward.

What’s EvidenZ DNA?

  • EvidenZ stores neither documents nor their hash fingerprints, but only encrypted data directly on Ethereum.
  • EvidenZ generates trust by validating the identity of data issuers first.
  • EvidenZ is open source, so that the access to data remains limitless through time.

What’s new with EvidenZ?

  • All organizations will be able to issue “one click certified” data with a simple DApp.
  • All individuals will be able to share certified personal data, without having an Ethereum address.
  • EvidenZ invents the “right to be forgotten” on Ethereum.

What’s EvidenZ business model?

Any entity can use the EvidenZ authentication service. No subscription or recurring fee, only issuance has to be paid. The service will be free for anyone who consults the data.

Why is Evidenz secured?

  • Only an organism whose identity has been verified can issue data.
  • The EvidenZ cryptographic protocol guarantees the control of the access to data and the “right to be forgotten”.
  • The data stored by EvidenZ cannot be modified or collected, or exploited for commercial purposes.

Vincent Langard, Luc Jarry-Lacombe and Daniel Swift

EvidenZ.io website, the ultimate Blockchain Digital Credential framework: https://www.EvidenZ.io
Follow EvidenZ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyEvidenZ
Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/BCdiploma

