BCD Report #12–May 30th 2020

Published in
7 min readMay 30, 2020

An unprecedented situation of health crisis and campus lockdown: the BCdiploma team, working from home, has been able to stay close to its users and has launched a solidarity offer to support higher education institutions forced to cancel their graduation ceremonies… you can still get in touch with us! To face this new challenge, institutions are accelerating their digital transformation process, and we are here to support them.

BCdiploma, a 100% dematerialized service for issuing digital credentials, allows each training institution to put the success and employability of its students at the center of its strategy, thanks to EvidenZ technology and the blockchain.

BCdiploma created the first 100% blockchain Open Badge for tamper-proof and long-lasting micro-certifications for professional use and receives the Open Badges certification from IMS Global

IMS Global Learning Consortium, key player in the Open Badges standard (created by the Mozilla Foundation) has recently certified BCdiploma’s Open Badges blockchain: they comply with the Open Badges 2.0 standard and are compatible with all the solutions, passports, portfolios and backpack of the Open Badges ecosystem.

Sample Open Badges micro-credentials issued by Queen’s University, Ontario:

An increasingly used platform

The increase in the number of customers and the provision of a DApp with which users are completely independent has led to a significant rise in the use of the platform since the beginning of the year.

emlyon business school, is the first French business school adopting blockchain certification on a large scale.

A dedicated website and digital certificates issued to all the institution’s graduates.

“Fully committed to the digital economy and digital practices in order to leverage all the opportunities they offer in terms of globalization and performance, emlyon business school innovates, once again, by becoming the first French business school to issue diploma certificates on the blockchain to its 2,174 graduates of the 2019 graduating class”, emlyon business school


The process has been widely praised on social networks and in the Edtech press (FR).

Professional training specialist IFOCOP chooses BCdiploma to dematerialize and secure its diplomas

IFOCOP is the very first professional training institution in France to issue dematerialized and fully secure professional certificates to graduates, using the blockchain technology. More information here.

But also...

IAE Nantes, BCdiploma’s historical client, in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak, issued blockchain graduation certificates to its 2019 graduating class.

“The service we offer to our graduates allows us to stay close to them and meet their needs in a new and challenging context “Céline Mesnage, IAE Nantes — Economics & Management.

This project was conducted in conjunction with our partner Alumforce (FR) — Alumni Students Success Platform for an integration of BCdiploma on alumni profiles.

Finally, the IESEG School of Management has started to issue digital diplomas via the blockchain and BCdiploma.

More information here (FR)

A bit of history

More than 2 years after its creation, we reviewed the essential steps taken by the BCdiploma, EvidenZ.io and BCDT projects:

Business Development

With the end-of-year ceremonies cancelled due to the health crisis, the dematerialization of certificates was a concrete and useful operational response for all institutions, administrations and students. As such, we created a “special covid” offer.

To date, BCdiploma has nearly 90 customers registered in its smart contract. We are proud to present the latest institutions that have joined us over the last few months:

- Institut de l’Internet et Multimedia
- Sindup
- EM Normandie
- emlyon executive education
- Efrei Paris
- University of Lille

Technical roadmap

A security audit was conducted by a third-party company in February. During this penetration test, no flaws were detected and the conclusion was: “the targeted web applications can be considered secure”.

Here is the updated roadmap:

Developments over the last few months months were focused on:
- Improving the user experience within BCdiploma DApp
- Adding an integrated ticketing management tool
- Numerous improvements brought to DApp

The support of Open Badges in image format, known as “Backed OpenBadges”, which has enabled IMS Global to obtain OpenBadges 2.0 certification.

Several major projects are in progress:
- EvidenZ blockchain certificate proofs will be totally redesigned, simplified and connected with the mycrypto.com blockchain explorer;
- A new institutional website is being designed.

BCDT and crypto community

At the heart of the BCdiploma ecosystem, the BCDT token is the fuel of the EvidenZ certification framework. On April 6, the total number of burned BCDT tokens reached 1M, representing 2.5% of the tokens in circulation.

Click here for BCDT statistics in real time.

BCdiploma, EvidenZ and BCDT have been presented to the crypto community during 2 events over the last few weeks:

- During a talk at the Smart Summit IO 2020 https://smart-summit-oi.re/ on May 23rd
- During the “Blockchain et Société” meetup on May 19th

You can retrieve the BCDT price evolution on IDEX, trade or bring liquidity to the token via the Uniswap pool. As a reminder, Uniswap is a decentralized protocol allowing you to exchange tokens without a trusted third party with reduced costs.

Any questions? Find us on Telegram https://t.me/BCDiploma

Partners & Ecosystem

AlumnForce & BCdiploma, the best of the blockchain for your alumni

AlumnForce becomes the first alumni platform to offer the BCdiploma blockchain service to Grandes Ecoles and universities: graduates and alumni will be able to retrieve their diplomas and certificates directly on their platform in a digital format.

It is worth noting that the IAE Nantes 2019 alumni certification project was conducted with Alumnforce (FR) to allow the integration of BCdiploma into the alumni platform.

The University of Lille and emlyon business school launch with BCdiploma and ARK, the blockchain ARKeducation

Driven by the values of sustainable development, these institutions have deployed the first version of an open source low-energy blockchain developed by ARK.io. Its first application will be the certification of diplomas, academic certificates and skills via Open Badges, via BCdiploma, which has deployed its DApp (distributed application) on this new blockchain for this purpose.

Here are 2 articles by Pierre Boulet, Vice President of Digital Transformation at the University of Lille about ARKeducation

… and the social network posts of ARK project members, @fx thoorens and @kristjankosic, respectively CEO and CTO of ARK.

BCdiploma is on Wavestone’s Cyber Security Radar for the second year in a row

It is worthy to note that Karen Jouve, Account Developer at Wavestone has since this publication obtained her certified diploma from emlyon business (FR) school via… BCdiploma!


Popular article on digital credentials

Micro-certification: towards a recursive system of learning recognition

Discover the five missions of the learning companion

(IT) Compliance, diritto all’oblio e blockchain

(FR) Le monde informatique — Ifocop déploie la blockchain pour certifier ses diplômes

(FR) Cryptoast — L’IFOCOP numérise et sécurise ses diplômes sur la blockchain Ethereum

(FR)Cryptonaute — ARKeducation : une blockchain pour la certification de diplômes

(FR) Studyrama — emlyon business school adopte la certification blockchain à grande échelle

(FR) Esteval — Lancement de la blockchain ARKeducation à l’Université de Lille

(FR) L’IFOCOP, 1er organisme de formation professionnelle à délivrer ses diplômes dématérialisés en les sécurisant avec la technologie blockchain !

(FR) emlyon business school — Certificat blockchain avec BCdiploma

(FR) emlyon business school, première business school française à adopter la certification blockchain à grande échelle

(FR) Hebdo crypto & Blockchain #27

(FR) Cryptonewsmedia — AlumnForce & BCdiploma, le meilleur de la blockchain pour vos alumni

(FR) Thebitcoinstreetjournal — AlumnForce & BCdiploma, le meilleur de la blockchain pour vos alumni

(FR) BCdiploma dans l’annuaire de l’usine digitale

(FR) Ma vie à l’IFOCOP : de la rentrée au diplôme

(FR) La méthode infaillible pour engager les apprenants en digital learning

Social networks

More information:

Website: www.BCdiploma.com & www.EvidenZ.io

Suivez EvidenZ sur Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyEvidenZ
Rejoignez-nous sur Telegram: https://t.me/BCdiploma



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Software development, Ethereum, Blockchain, Web3, EdTech