BCD Report #6 — September 10th, 2018

Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2018

Here’s our latest news from our team!

1. Team

We are very happy to welcome our 2 new developers, Olivier and Hoël, into the BCD team.


Update on staffing:

  • Hoël, Lead Full Stack Developer
  • Olivier, Ethereum / Web3 Developer
  • Hua, Marketing Manager
  • Jean-René, Social Media Manager
  • Alex, COO
  • Luc, CEO
  • Vincent, CTO

2. BCD Advisory Board

Patrick Duvaut — Head Of Innovation at IMT

We are pleased to announce the arrival of the third board member of our company: Patrick Duvaut, Head Of Innovation at IMT — Institut Mines-Télécom.

Institut Mines-Télécom is a French public institution dedicated to Higher Education and Research for Innovation in the fields of engineering and digital technology.

3. New corporate Website

As promise in our last AMA, our new corporate website is available: https://www.bcdiploma.com

4. Development

Hoël, our full stack developer has arrived early September. This will allow us to accelerate development, our first objective.

The first version of BCDiploma will be ready at the end of September, as expected.

In particular, the smarts contracts and the Reader DApp will be fully operational.

Here is the updated roadmap:

Updated roadmap

5. Patent

A patent (utility patent) on EvidenZ framework will be registered in the United States within 2 weeks.

6. Token

We know that a “big” exchange is important for the community: we have just discussed again with the Circle team (Poloniex) today. But it must start with an increase of our marketcap.

We believe that the launch of the platform, the announcement of new customers and the circulation of BCDTs will be our best assets for this during the fall.

As expected, the BCDT token will be used as soon as the product is released into production under the conditions specified in the Whitepaper.

Let’s remember this will be one of the first token of an Ethereum mainstream application in production.

It is this real and concrete use that will be the basis of communication around our token.

7. Business Development

It’s back to school! Let’s tour our growing customer community.

  • EMLyon Edtech Accelerator: launch tomorrow, stay tuned! All the reputation of EMLyon and its partner network to accelerate adoption among the world’s leading brands!
  • AUF: publication within a few days of an ambitious master agreement that positions BCDiploma as AUF’s certification partner on its network of 880 universities (111 countries, 14M students).
  • Bärchen
  • Pont Business Schools
  • Institut Léonard de Vinci
  • Université de Nice: FabLex DL4T

Final discussions for deployment in the coming months:

  • Téluq University (Quebec)
  • AUF remote training courses (52 universities)
  • Georgia Tech Lorraine — Georgia Institute of Technology

Open discussions:

  • Boeing: for Machine Accreditations, under NDA
  • Vodafone for Vodafone University, more than 100 000 certificate per year.
  • Congolese Government: a market of 650,000 diplomas per year.
  • Government of Quebec: Meetings in October
  • Higher Education and Research Software Group: In the process of being referenced in this purchasing centre by research organisations, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of National Education.

8. Event

Meet the BCDiploma team at the following events!

9. Vision for September

It’s the rush to be in production this month.

We coordinate with clients who must also be ready.

We propose an AMA on September, 24th.

EvidenZ.io website, the ultimate Blockchain Digital Credential framework: https://www.EvidenZ.io
Follow EvidenZ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyEvidenZ
Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/BCdiploma

