BCDiploma raises €1.2 million to become the global standard for certifying diplomas and certificates online

Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2019

CV fraud, fake diplomas, degree mills: the fake degree sales exceeded $1 billion over a decade. The issue is now a major challenge for universities and higher education institutions, which are subject to increasingly strong international competition. For everyone, graduates and recruiters, direct access to certified data becomes essential.

BCDiploma efficiently addresses these challenges with a blockchain-based solution that provides an unequaled level of security, traceability and sustainability.

BCDiploma belongs to the elite club of successful French ICOs (early 2018) and developed a decentralized service, based on its ethereum token, the Blockchain Certified Data Token (BCDT). With its patented one-click technology for accessing certified compliant data called EvidenZ, BCDiploma meets the expectations of universities and schools around the world: digitizing and securing degrees while ensuring long-term self-sufficiency.

Luc Jarry-Lacombe and Vincent Langard — founders of BCDiploma — combined their Blockchain expertise and knowledge of the academic world to create a SaaS Blockchain service “as efficient as Mailchimp”. The tool exceeds expectations: immediate user-friendliness, ease of use, end of fake diplomas and economies of scale. BCDiploma certificates are above all secure, stylish, personalized and mobile first, allowing universities to enter the 2.0 communication era.

The launch of the solution is drawing growing interest from the academic world, with, in a few months, more than 25 customers on 4 continents and 10 countries. But the perspective of the young company is much broader, and many players are already interested in its technology: notaries, ISO certifiers, industrialists or publishers.

Beyond the university market, BCDiploma intends to create the new standard for accessing certified data. With a pool of investors composed of Investessor, Cèdre Ventures, Leonis VC and with the support of BPI France, BCDiploma will accelerate its international expansion in the upcoming months.

More information

Visit BCdiploma | Blockchain Digital Credential website: https://www.bcdiploma.com
Follow BCdiploma on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BCdiploma
Follow BCdiploma on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchaincertifieddata/



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Software development, Ethereum, Blockchain, Web3, EdTech