Binance Crypto Academy: Claim Your NFT!

Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2024

You’ve participated in a session of the Binance Crypto Academy and received an email inviting you to claim your participation certificate? Congratulations!

The participation certificate you received is an SBT (non-transferable NFT) provided in the form of a simple URL link, secure and valid for life on the BNB Chain, and issued by Binance using 3videnZ technology.

You will be able to claim your NFT with Metamask or, and then share it on social networks.

Warning: Do not share or transfer the email you received! It is personal and contains information to claim the SBT associated with your participation certificate.

Claim with Metamask

You can claim your Binance Crypto Academy NFT using Metamask on desktop. To do so, copy the password found in the email you received and click on “by clicking here”…


  • paste the password into the “Web3” panel of your certificate
  • click on “Claim and publish on my wallet”

By doing this, you make public, on your SBT, the URL link leading to your blockchain certificate.

Note: this operation only requires a signature from your Metamask wallet and thus does not require gas.

After a few seconds to a few minutes, the NFT will be in your wallet and visible on any blockchain explorer!

Claim with

If you do not have Metamask, you can use the wallet. Unlike Metamask, mywallet is a custodial wallet, meaning the cryptographic keys associated with your wallet are secured by 3videnZ and not directly by you. This characteristic has advantages and disadvantages: it allows you to open a Web3 wallet very easily with a simple email, but it’s 3videnZ that owns and secures your cryptographic keys.

To claim your NFT using mywallet, simply click on “Claim my NFT with” in the received email and follow the instructions!

By doing this, you make public, on your SBT, the URL link leading to your blockchain certificate.

Sharing on Social Networks

When you view your NFT on the URL starting with…, you have a “Share” panel to access sharing features on social networks:

Have a question or suggestion? Contact the 3videnZ team on Telegram



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Software development, Ethereum, Blockchain, Web3, EdTech