Ecole des Ponts business school issues blockchain digital credentials

Jarry-lacombe Luc
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2020
More reliable and efficient, blockchain digital credentials build trust

Ecole des Ponts business school (École des Ponts ParisTech) has just issued its first blockchain certificates via the BCdiploma service. From 2019, Alon Rozen (Dean of Ecole des Ponts business school) and Dr. Saman Sarbazvatan (Head of digital innovations and Director of Programs) have expressed their interest in the blockchain digital credentials and the BCdiploma solution.

July 2020, the facts are there: from now on, you can consult the certificates and diplomas of Ecole des Ponts business school directly on the school’s website:

BCdiploma certificates can be consulted on the issuer’s website

Thanks to our collaboration with BCdiploma, by the end of July 2020 École des Ponts Business School will have the official documents of more than 100 Doctoral and 200 EMBA participants and graduates on blockchain. We will have our upcoming cohorts of EMBA, EDBA, and Certificate programs on this technology as they join, and gradually we bring on board our graduates of our previous cohorts. By the end of 2020 we will have the records of at least 1000 graduates on blockchain thanks to BCdiploma’s technology and solutions.

Dr. Saman Sarbazvatan

How it works?

Graduates receive a simple, secure, lifelong link that can be shared directly with recruiters or published on their LinkedIn profile. By clicking on this link, certified data can be read in real time on the ethereum blockchain. User-friendly, personalized design, security and durability are the key points of this latest generation of certificates developed by BCdiploma.

BCdiploma certificates can be added to LinekdIn profiles with one click

BCdiploma is exactly what the market needs

BCdiploma is exactly what the market needs; academic institutions would need to put less time for responding to verification requests, verification agencies and recruiters check the records on our website and compare them to those provided by our graduates and students by one simple click, and our alumni would go through the due diligence processes and audits of their academic credentials much quicker, like never before. BCdiploma responds to such needs, and even more, thanks to the frictionless design of their interfaces, technologies, and the facilitated integrations of the latter with the most used digital platforms in the market.

Above all, the very friendly and supportive team of BCdiploma makes the whole experience very enjoyable, and fulfills the missing emotional care that the professional realm lacks today. We’re proud to have BCdiploma as our official partner.

Dr. Saman Sarbazvatan

Learn more about blockchain digital credentials?

Read our article “Blockchain, the new standard for issuing digital credentials” and visit

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