3videnZ & BCDT

Back to basics!

3 min readMar 11, 2021


Operating since 2018, the EvidenZ project continues to attract new partners. French, Canadian, American universities and even Binance have all realized the power of EvidenZ. Yet many of us still have questions about the link between BCdiploma and Evidenz. What about the Blockchain Certified Data Token (BCDT), their native token? Today we’re going to review all this together, so that you can confidently tackle this innovative project.

This article is the translation of the french article by Gaétan Lajeune from CoinTribune, the first blockchain pure player media.

An ICO to solve a global problem

Early 2018, at a time when ICOs were still doing relatively well, a French company set out with one objective: to fight against fraud and the use of fake certificates. If at first glance, this subject may seem niche, be aware that nearly 33% of French people who respond to a job offer are lying or are forging their diploma! On a global level, the background checking market represents today the sum of 3 billion dollars! Unfortunately for all these usurpers, the immutability of the blockchain makes it possible to solve this problem, but a company still has to take care of it! That’s where EvidenZ comes in, with its first use case: the BCdiploma application.

BCdiploma, blockchain, EvidenZ and BCDT, how are they connected?

First of all, the EvidenZ blockchain protocol behind this project should be dissociated from their first general public application BCdiploma. BCdiploma is to EvidenZ what Windows is to Microsoft, i.e. the turnkey application to address the problem of forgery. If the flagship application of the project is indeed called BCdiploma, narrowing the company down to the tamper-proof diploma field would be a mistake. Is Microsoft only focused on one industry? Well no, and the same goes for EvidenZ. If a document can be forged, whatever its nature, the EvidenZ solution will never be far away to prevent it. Got it? Awesome! Let’s carry on with our metaphor by now addressing the central role of the blockchain.

The Ethereum blockchain, on which the EvidenZ solution was originally based, simply represents your laptop or cell phone. Without it, no application would work and you wouldn’t be reading these few lines… If there are several brands of devices to meet each user’s needs and vision, sometimes even leading to ideological wars (Apple VS the rest of the world), why should EvidenZ only work on a single blockchain? EvidenZ does not want to limit itself and is truly usable by everyone. EvidenZ also runs on the Binance Smart Chain, which recently rewarded its French users with colorful diplomas and NFTs.

Having a device is good, having a device that works is better! But what does it take for them to work? A lot of things certainly, but let’s focus on electricity. If this power is only consumed when your device is turned on, the same applies to the BCDT, EvidenZ’s native token. Without it, no document could be certified and forgery would continue to flourish.

This metaphor finds its apogee in the almost fossil nature of the token. As uranium is consumed every day for our electrical production, gradually diminishing its supply and increasing its scarcity, BCDTs burn out with each call for the EvidenZ smart contract. Don’t worry, there is no need to manage toxic waste here, but just to appreciate the future exponential growth of a utility token, of an already existing solution, used among others by Binance, Em Lyon business school, Afnor, Alyra, Berkeley…and supported since its beginnings by Microsoft. Established on 4 continents and 16 countries, the list is quite long, so if you’re curious, feel free to go directly to the directory of institutions listed in the EvidenZ smart contract.

Next time you doubt about the connection between these elements, remember: the blockchain is my cell phone, on which the EvidenZ protocol runs, powered by BCDTs. So, was it that difficult?

This article is the translation of the french article by Gaétan Lajeune from CoinTribune, the first blockchain pure player media.

More informations

CoinTribune website: https://www.cointribune.com/
Follow CoinTribune on Twitter: https://twitter.com/coin_tribune
Join CoinTribune on Telegram: https://t.me/CoinTribune

EvidenZ.io website, the ultimate Blockchain Digital Credential framework: https://www.EvidenZ.io
Follow EvidenZ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyEvidenZ
Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/BCdiploma



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Software development, Ethereum, Blockchain, Web3, EdTech