EvidenZ: The beginning of a new era

Published in
11 min readJun 21, 2023

Let’s review our progress in 2023 and let’s talk about the future!

Version française disponible ici.


The first half 2023 is ending strong for EvidenZ, with BCdiploma winning gold at 1edTech Learning Impact 2023, a global competition to recognize innovative EdTech applications that address key challenges in higher education and lifelong learning.

Learn more here.

Among the 20 Learning Impact Awards 2023 Finalists, BCdiploma stood out by winning the Gold Award, recognition of its transformative potential in the areas of personalized learning, employability, institutional performance and e-learning with our digitar credentials.

Source: https://www.1edtech.org/li/awards/2023

1EdTech Learning impact: International recognition for BCdiploma

“Our collaboration with the Stanford Center for Professional Development illustrates how blockchain technology can promote and enhance the acquisition of skills, while securing and simplifying administrative processes. For a student, a blockchain certificate or diploma is the guarantee of being able to present their achievement to a recruiter at the click of a button, throughout their life and without intermediaries… a springboard for employability and inclusion […] At BCdiploma, we feel privileged and honored to receive this prestigious award.”

Alexis Berolatti, COO & BCdiploma founder.

Award-winning video at Learning Impact:

Source: https://vimeo.com/836825914/5a48b5401d

“Our collaboration with BCdiploma has been perfect. We worked together to create bespoke diplomas and integrate them with our tools to provide a seamless experience for learners, while reducing lead times and saving our teams time.”

Robert Prakash, CTO of Stanford Online & SCPD

This is an important milestone for the startup: this award is the achievement of 6 years of R&D and a massive recognition of know-how by the entire EvidenZ and BCdiploma team. It’s a major achievement that symbolizes international recognition, validates our technology and know-how, and does so in partnership with one of the world’s most prestigious universities.

Source : Twitter

This will undoubtedly enable us to make great strides on the international stage, particularly in North America.

Related articles:

Hot news & breakthrough

Since our last report a few months ago, 17 new institutional players have joined EvidenZ & BCdiploma.

To date, EvidenZ has 194 institutional users in 21 countries around the world, on 4 continents.

The full list is available here.

You can track the number of institutions onboarded and the number of countries involved in real-time on the EvidenZ website.

Please note that some institutions do not wish to be listed on the page for privacy reasons. In this case, they do not appear on the site, but you will of course find them in the smart contract.

Arrival of an international business developer

Alan has joined our team as International Sales Director. Based in the UK, Alan brings with him over 20 years’ experience in the IT industry, and is responsible for leading our global sales and marketing efforts.

Events and webinars

At the start of this year, we decided to drastically increase the number of webinars and events we hold around the world.

Our partnership with eCampusOntario in Canada has never been more productive. We’ve been working with them for the past 3 years through numerous universities on the American continent. With their participation, we have produced a dozen webinars designed to highlight the benefits of our solution and to raise BCdiploma’s profile on the North American continent.

We were also present at the :

  • Rencontres du Digital
  • Learning Technologies in Paris
  • Digital Credentials Summit in Dallas
  • Bett UK in London
  • CAUCE 2023 in Canada
  • Canadian Association for University Continuing Education in Winnipeg
  • Learning Impact in Anaheim

Read all the news and support us on Linkedin


Our collaboration with Binance continues. We are proud to issue certificates for Binance as part of their various Crypto Academy events, which promote #blockchain education around the world.

We regularly find dozens of certificates on the networks, proudly shared by all participants.

Certificate shared on Twitter:

Certificate of authenticity 3.0

2023 is also a symbol of innovation, with our partnership with @TheCryptomasks to certify the physical version of their NFTs with an original Web3-oriented certificate of authenticity.

Source: Twitter

The data provided by our certificates of authenticity are still 100% blockchain-based, in fact, the various data are retrieved in real time from the Ethereum blockchain: the owner’s address, the NFT number and its various attributes.

This information is available simply by scanning the QR code directly on the poster. It includes a number of elements of the NFT, as well as on-chain information to ensure that the poster’s owner is indeed the owner of the NFT.

Source: Twitter

A new, very concrete use case that has been very well received by the Web3 community:

Source: Twitter

Product development and roadmap

As ever, we’re simply focusing on the developments that will enable maximum adoption of EvidenZ: that’s our top priority. As such:

New proof & share panel

Sharing on social networks is central to the adoption of EvidenZ certificates. Indeed, such sharing enables certificate holders to showcase their credentials to as many people as possible — it should be remembered that, unlike a centralized solution, there is no “graduate database” or portal listing the holders of a given certification or skill.

It is therefore the certificate holder who is in control of his or her data, and must decide whether or not to share it with his or her network. As a result, the new, more attractive and incentivizing proof and share panel went into production this semester. The impact on certificate sharing is already significant since we have seen more sharing on Twitter & Linkedin.

Overview of the new sharing panel directly in the certificate.


For a number of years now, BCdiploma has not only been able to issue fully-customizable digital certificates, used for diplomas for example, but has also offered a turnkey micro-certification functionality… the only thing left to do was to make the link between the two! So, in 2023, we’re offering a new feature called “Parcours” or “Pathway”, enabling you to consult, from a final certificate, the various micro-certifications obtained along the learning path. This enriches and details the final diploma, enhancing graduates’ employability.


It’s been an incredible journey since EvidenZ launched its first commercial product, BCdiploma. The DApp is a web-based application that allows users to view, manage and verify their digital diplomas. BCdiploma has been a success in the higher education sector, and we now aim to make EvidenZ the benchmark for other sectors that require data authentication.

Whether it’s proof of participation in the training or events sector, certificates of authenticity in the luxury goods or art sectors, intellectual property or even digital passports for all kinds of products.
All these solutions will now be available in our EvidenZ-branded Dapp in the form you already know, but also as NFT.

Over the past six months, EvidenZ has made significant progress in this direction with the development and deployment of the EvidenZ platform. The new website is currently in production and should be up and running any day now.

In the coming weeks, several major projects will be completed:

NFT by EvidenZ

Our MVP, Minimum Viable Product, concerning the very 1st NFT produced by the EvidenZ team, is now 90% ready. We’ll be launching a first POC, Proof Of Concept, with the artist Sino.
Our mywallet.cloud wallet will also go into production at the same time.

Sneak peek of NFT Sino & Co
CEO Luc Jarry-Lacombe & Sino DUC

Find out more about the operation :

📢EvidenZ’s very first #NFT is almost here😱

New website

A first version of the rebranded EvidenZ website will go live in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned.

And…What about BCDT ?

BCDT is the heart of the EvidenZ ecosystem

The BCDT enables institutions to feed their smartcontracts, an essential operation for issuing their digital certificates on the blockchain: it is simple: no BCDT, no certificate!

The token ensures the longevity of the ecosystem and the solution: it is designed so that all certificate issuers will eventually be able to interact directly with EvidenZ smartcontracts, thus guaranteeing a high level of decentralization.

With this in mind, we have designed all our services to be directly available in BCDT. This global vision remains unchanged, as our CEO Luc Jarry-lacombe confirms: Whatever EvidenZ’s future developments, BCDT is indispensable for all data certification, whatever the medium used.


With over 6.33% BCDT burned so far, the total supply now stands at 38,248,624. That’s exactly 2,586,420 BCDT out of circulation forever.


The burnrate is the percentage of $BCDT burned during the use of the EvidenZ solution. This operation is set by the smart contract and detailed in the White Paper, from which the following extract is taken:

In the same operation, the smart contract Smart Identification burns the equivalent of 5% of BCDT tokens paid for “diplomas to issue”, as a manufacturing fee.
This rate is increased during the first three years of activity to support the token price:
• 25% as long as the set of tokens burnt does not exceed 10% of tokens minted;
• Then 20% as long as the set of tokens burnt does not exceed 20% of tokens minted;
• Then 15% as long as the set of burned tokens does not exceed 50% of tokens minted.
BCD reserves the right to change this rate at a later date if more than 66.6% of tokens minted have been burned;

The $BCDT burnrate, initially set at 25% for the first 3 years, has been extended continuously since the launch of the solution.


As you already know, we have made the decision to move the liquidity pools that we initially established on BNB Chain to Ethereum, on the Uniswap platform. This transition aims to ensure the security and stability of operations related to BCDT.

Indeed, we recently identified a technical risk on the Multichain protocol used to enable BCDT to be ported to BNB Chain and Avalanche. Although this protocol continues to function correctly to date, the identified risk is significant and we do not want to ignore it.

Therefore, we invite you to repatriate your BCDT to Ethereum as soon as possible to minimize the risks associated with a potential degradation of the Multichain bridge’s operation.

The security and longevity of BCDT and its ecosystem remain our utmost priority.

So, if you haven’t already done so, we advise you to use the following links to repatriate your precious BCDTs on Ethereum :



Don’t hesitate to read our Medium if you’re not comfortable with the process: https://medium.com/bcdiploma/bridging-bcdt-38e809cab7a0

And don’t hesitate to ask us your questions on Telegram.


As we’ve done with Loopring in the past, we’d like to find an efficient and sustainable solution for offering new BCDT rewards!

Since the birth of BCdiploma, the EvidenZ team has been providing various liquidities on different media, with the aim of encouraging decentralized token exchange while trying to optimize the liquidity available on the market as much as possible.

We are very confident that we have found the technical partner that will enable us to reward all BCDT holders who provide liquidity on Uniswap V3 on Ethereum.

We’ll soon be announcing the amount of the rewards, the duration and all the details of the operation 👀

Our social networks

We’ve set up a number of different communication channels, and we’re asking for your help in spreading our news on the networks.

Twitter EvidenZ: Dedicated to the entire EvidenZ ecosystem, this is where we share prestigious certificates and our greatest successes. It’s the heart of our communication and we’re counting on your presence to help us spread our messages.

Telegram: To keep in touch with the team, this is where you’ll find a few sneak previews. It’s also the ideal channel for discussing crypto and sharing all EvidenZ news.

Linkedin EvidenZ: The newcomer to this selection, this is where we’ll be sharing articles related to NFTs and SBTs, but also, and above all, all the latest news about our solution and its new upcoming use cases.

Linkedin BCdiploma: With posts mainly in the fields of Ed tech, educational technologies, but also in a pedagogical and educational role, find news from the team who present the solution at webinars and events around the world.

Twitter BCdiploma: The showcase for our BCdiploma solution dedicated to the academic sector, with our events and certificates shared around the world.

We rely on the power of the community to share and spread the constant progress of our solutions on the networks 🙏

See you soon.
EvidenZ team.

