How to increase the use of your alumni platform by 20% thanks to the blockchain

Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2020

Dematerialize the diplomas or skills certificates and make them available in your alumni platform!

The outcome is irrevocable for IAE Nantes-Economie & Management, University of Nantes: using BCdiploma for the 2018 class has led to a 20% increase in registrations on the AlumnForce alumni platform.

AlumnForce & BCdiploma, the best of the blockchain for your alumni

AlumnForce becomes the first alumni platform to offer the BCdiploma blockchain service to higher schools and universities: graduates and alumni will be able to retrieve their diplomas and certificates directly on their platform in a digital, tamper-proof and multilingual format, natively integrated into LinkedIn.

In the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak, the 2019 graduates of IAE Nantes-Economie & Management were able to access their graduation certificates on their AlumnForce platform. Ready to use, accessible online with only one click, they will be able to start their applications or job searches right away.

With this new service, AlumnForce, the French leader in alumni platforms, meets a growing need from alumni networks: strengthening their community and their image, and increasing the number of visits to their platforms to offer more and more services, job offers or internships to their members.

For alumni careers, there is immediate added value. No more requests for certificates and diploma translations, they are provided with up-to-date multilingual documents, valid for an unlimited time… A real asset for them in a globalized and increasingly fast and competitive market!

Find out more about BCdiploma

Deployed in more than 80 institutions in a dozen countries, BCdiploma offers a turnkey service to create and share blockchain certificates for all academic documents: diplomas, transcripts, acquired skills, etc. BCdiploma is the first player to offer 100% blockchain certified Open Badges for micro-certifications and modularized courses.

BCdiploma helps you become a leader in student experience and save valuable time by dematerializing your processes.

Find out more about AlumnForce, Alumni Success Platform

Deployed on more than 220 networks in France and abroad, AlumnForce is the private professional social network solution with the main objective of promoting exchanges between students, graduates -alumni, association members, recruiters, teachers and administrations.

AlumnForce allows you to manage the network life of your school, your university or your association with more than 35 modules: online directory, career area, subscription fee management, group creation, participative agenda, group management, online donations, etc.

Find out more about the blockchain

The blockchain is a technology that is revolutionizing the world of digital credentials. This database for the storage and transmission of information enables the digital production of official documents, such as diplomas and certificates, or even open badges, which are increasingly used to enhance the value of acquired skills.



In the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak, IAE Nantes issues graduation certificates to its 2019 graduating class

IAE Nantes — Economie & Management: “IAE Nantes offers online diploma certification!

Websites: BCdiploma & Alumnforce

Blockchain is the new standard for issuing digital credentials.



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Software development, Ethereum, Blockchain, Web3, EdTech