Powered by EvidenZ, BCdiploma becomes a Microsoft Co-sell Partner

Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2020

This news is part of the ongoing collaboration between BCdiploma and Microsoft. Indeed, it has been almost two years since the two entities began a privileged relationship as part of a business development strategy. With this new partnership, Microsoft has confirmed its belief in the project’s development capabilities.

EvidenZ is the only blockchain data certification project available on the Azure marketplace. Powered by ERC-20 $BCDT tokens, the platform’s first use case is BCdiploma, a solution dedicated to academic documents.

The Co-sell Microsoft status is a win-win partnership: Microsoft sales teams are incentivized for every successful deal, and Microsoft’s support proves to be a decisive asset to perform.

Early September, the platform that enables the verification, storage and security of university certifications and diplomas also received a “preferred solution” special mention from the Redmond-based giant on the Azure marketplace. The new label awarded to BCdiploma means that this application is highly efficient and meets the needs of users in a qualitative and optimal way. This award follows an endorsement by Microsoft experts based on numerous technical and business strengths.

BCdiploma’s participation in the Microsoft for Startups program starting in November 2018 gave the team access to a range of powerful tools such as Microsoft Azure, a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) service designed to facilitate software development.

This recognition rewards the efforts made by the team, confirms the dynamic that surrounds the project and brings many opportunities for growth. To date, more than 90 institutions are using the EvidenZ platform: this is just the beginning!

$BCDT is the fuel of the EvidenZ ecosystem, it is designed for B2B: for each certificate issued, an amount of BCDT has to feed the smart contract. This process ensures the long-term sustainability and autonomy of the ecosystem.

More informations on https://www.evidenz.io and https://www.BCdiploma.com

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Software development, Ethereum, Blockchain, Web3, EdTech