The certification of diplomas needed a blockchain solution, BCDiploma found it!

Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2018
By Audrey Benichou, Marketing Communication Advisor

Mastering the solution to the needs

When I heard about BCDiploma, the ICO hype was already fading away. However, I immediately knew this project would make it anyway, simply because behind BCDiploma is a team of real professionals who have a real experience in this niche market and exactly know what is missing. Luc Jarry-Lacombe (CEO), beside being an expert of the education system and product owner, is an associate professor of mathematics, director at a “preparatory school” (classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles), and IT consultant at the pan-European business school, ESCP Europe. Vincent Langard (CTO) is a software architect and backend developer for open source technologies, he has been developing and integrating Ed Tech solutions in higher education schools’ information systems for more than 10 years.

Mastering the art of being a professional and welded team

They have been able to surround themselves with high profile advisors and a dedicated team who didn’t hesitate to work 24/7 to establish a great company which inspires trust. Which is one of the #1 criteria for believing in an ICO project these days. The team has been able to move on really fast towards their ICO, applying the best practices accordingly.

BCDiploma is definitely the blockchain solution for certified diploma and later on more data

I’m proudly joining BCDiploma as a Marketing & Communication Advisor because I really believe this project has great chance to succeed. The vision is clear and comprehensive, it brings a real solution to a real need and the token is really well designed.

Audrey is one of those who can not to be defined in one sentence. She is a true cameleon. Driven by curiosity, she has always looked at the world from different perspectives and is always looking for knowing more. She is a very spiritual person and a connected visionary.

Open minded, always involved in what’s next and naturally gifted with that positive energy that makes change possible, today, Audrey focuses on being a strategist marketing and communication advisor for blockchain companies.

Definitely an early adopter of technology, when she discovered bitcoin and Blockchain technologies, she knew that it was the next big thing, the technology that is here to assist humankind, toward its next Evolution.

Awareness is rising. Paradigms are shifting. Human potential is raising. In this context, bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrencies are part of the Evolution plan.

International Polyglot Marketing & Intuitive Communication Expert

Besides of traveling a lot, Audrey lived in different countries. France, the Netherlands, the Caribbean, Israel. From those rich life experiences she knows up to 5 different languages: French, Dutch, English, Hebrew and Spanish.

She studied Communication Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. Right after she was selected after a rigorous assessment to be a management trainee and she received an intensive 2 years of exceptional training and coaching. From this experience she developed a strong sense of empathy and learned about human behavior. Later on, she decided to specialize in Luxury Marketing & Management. She joined Cartier International as Communication Director and became the manager of a communication team and a few millions of euros of communication budget. After this successful corporate experience Audrey became a Life and Business Coach certified by the International Coach Federation. That’s when she developed her intuition on a spiritual side and her intensive social media marketing skills as an online coach entrepreneur.

Audrey loves technology, her friends know her as the one who knows the last things related to technology before everyone else. She has a high sensibility for knowing what is gonna be the next thing.

+15 years manager / coach / advisor

  • Corporate Experience: Management / Coach/ Marketing / Communications / PR / Events / Advertising / Media / Social Media / Change Management / Business Development
  • Divers Blockchain Projects: Smart Cities, Ecosystems, from Conceptualisation to Marketing and Communications
  • Bring people together and visions to realities
  • Bring understanding of new technologies from a spiritual perspective

Actual Projects

  • Internet Music ltd: Internet Music aims to reboot the music industry. Bring more money faster to copyright owners.
  • BCDiploma: brings certified data on the blockchain. website, the ultimate Blockchain Digital Credential framework:
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