Why do users enjoy and recommend EvidenZ?

Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2020

With nearly 100 institutional users, EvidenZ is the most widely deployed blockchain certification framework in the world and BCdiploma, its turnkey application, the market-leading “credentialing platform”.

Why do users enjoy and recommend EvidenZ? Answers here.

EvidenZ provides real added value to certificate holders, and therefore to the institutions that issue them. For example, with a BCdiploma certificate, graduates can claim their diploma with employers only a few hours after graduation, without waiting for their diplomas or a paper certificate.

EvidenZ is ultra-secure and tamper-proof. By encrypting and storing data on the blockchain, EvidenZ guarantees a maximum level of security and the authenticity of certificates over the very long term. Considering that some documents need to be kept for decades, this is very useful.

EvidenZ and BCdiploma certificates can be fully personalized: attractive, interactive, animated, in line with the graphic charter of the issuing institution, responsive and multidevice. The brand of the issuer and the certificate holder are enhanced, and this is important. Check by yourself here.

EvidenZ is powerful and easy to integrate. All EvidenZ features are accessible via reliable and documented APIs. Institutional users can easily create interfaces with their information system for maximum automation.

EvidenZ is simple with instantaneous use. With an application like BCdiploma, the power of the blockchain is available to anyone. Just think about it: from the DApp, a manager can issue, certify on a blockchain of his/her choice and send thousands of certificates by email in just a few clicks. Not to mention that the verification of a certificate requires a single click from any device.

That’s the way to adoption.

EvidenZ.io website, the ultimate Blockchain Digital Credential framework: https://www.EvidenZ.io
Follow EvidenZ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyEvidenZ
Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/BCdiploma



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Software development, Ethereum, Blockchain, Web3, EdTech