Development report of BCL Chain

Yuta Aoki
BCL Foundation
Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2019

Hello,I am Aoki from BCL Foundation.

Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year.


1.Fixed sync trouble for a common node.

2.Upgraded the AWS environment of BCLChain.

3. Postponed modification about a validator .

4.Arranged 0 for transaction fee to confirm the scheme and modification.

5.Tested BCLChain stability.

6.Completed to develop of core BCL BFT-DPoS function and test PBFT function

BCL Chain Wallet

1.Delivered and tested the latest BCL Wallet App.

2.Implemented basic function, and Modified Wallet Key Box function.

3.Developed Wallet Key Box function to upgrade the XP1lock.

4.Developed Wallet Account Center function.(10% completed)


1.Modified IoT Core layer, Account function, Device detection function, and Protocol Implementation.

2.Integrated XP1Lock Protocol to the BCL-IoT function.

3.Integrated the IoT Protocol layer to the XP1 Lock and vehicle Lock Protocol.

4.Tested BCL Computer and XP1 Protocol connection.

5.Developed function of IoT Platform, PMS, Wallet Account Center.


Released BCL BASIC(Android,iOS) on App store.

