B.Co Agency Logo 2018

G Bains
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2018

We have had the B.Co “B” as a part of our branding materials since day one. However, in the later part of 2017 we began a slow roll out of our mark.

The mark symbolizes the upward motion of aeronautics, a theme which B.Co has been branded. Taking design aesthetics and inspiration from NASA and various airline companies, the mark is meant to symbolize growth and progression.

As an ever evolving marketing industry, this is an open-ended and constant mark that has now integrated with the agency. We invite you to be part of this growth by visiting our newly designed website: thebcoagency.com as well as this new desktop wallpaper.

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G. Bains is the Creative Director for B. Co Creative Agency. With over nine years of experience in graphic design and branding, G. has expanded his repertoire to include other forms of media integration, including video.

