Hashgraph.Name is now powered by BCW Group

BCW Group
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2023

We are excited to announce our latest on-graph initiative on the Hedera network. We recently completed the acquisition of hashgraph.name from the fantastic team at Piefi Labs. From today onwards, will be leading all technical and business operations for the platform.

Hashgraph.name will join other BCW-led Hedera-based initiatives such as Hashport, the primary and premier bridging service on Hedera, as well as Arkhia, an enterprise-grade Mirror-Node-as-a-Service platform that also offers an extensive suite of APIs and developer tooling currently helping 40+ businesses across 11 market segments grow and scale their builds on Hedera.

We also actively work with The Hashgraph Association in order to design and build with enterprises looking to deploy on Hedera.

We’re looking forward to leveraging our extensive experience and network within the Hedera ecosystem to create new and exciting functionalities to capture the massive potential of custom domains on the Hedera network.

Why Hashgraph.Name?

Since its inception (1 year), hashgraph.name has been the largest naming service on Hedera with nearly 18,000 (.hbar) domains having been generated and purchased. Holders of custom domains reap the benefits of making their account more recognisable by humans, and thus safer and simpler to interact with. Additionally, holders of domains on Hedera are able to start building their reputations within the various ecosystems and communities that exist on Hedera. On the enterprise side, customisable names will help businesses tailor their Web3 platform to make user onboarding more relatable to the user’s Web2 experience, as well as massively simplify their backend operations; reconciliation efforts being a primary example.

When utilised successfully, the impact a name service can have on a network is significant; making massive leaps in simplicity, security, and utility, which all translate to increased adoption.

What’s Next? Opportunities and Promos

As mentioned earlier, we are wasting no time building out new functionalities and initiating exciting partnerships that will increase utility for hashgraph.name holders and increase the overall value of holding domains on the network. While the list is long, we can share today that the platform will release an extensive UI update as well as undergo updated branding to expand the reach and possibilities for holders and their custom domains. We will continue to launch new updates and features, so be sure to stay tuned to the space.

To celebrate the acquisition and reward the loyalty of those in the Hedera community here today, hashgraph.name will be hosting a promotional pricing period, where new and existing holders will be eligible to secure their on-ledger identity at a special price. You can learn more about the promotional pricing period here.

We are looking forward to building out the platform and working with the many fantastic projects already on Hedera as well as those soon to come as we expand the utility for hashgraph.name holders on the network.

About BCW Group

BCW Group is a venture studio & enterprise technology firm dedicated to building Web3 infrastructure & applications that connect and interact with the on-demand digital universe.

Our business lines include technologies, products, enterprise consulting and ventures. We have launched products in the areas of DLT interoperability (hashport), on-chain data analytics (Blockpour), and staking and IaaS tools (Arkhia).

Learn more about BCW Group at bcw.group or follow us on Twitter and on LinkedIn.

