3 Good Things About a Pandemic


Photo by Sander Weeteling on Unsplash

Traditionally, April has always been a great month. To us seasonally affected folks, it’s the month when things start to brighten, in more ways than one, usually. Living in Central NY, April is the sixth month of winter and can be one of the trickiest. This year was no different, though the trick wasn’t the weather. As we entered the first lockdown and experienced the run on toilet paper, masks and school closures, my family and I were in a very similar situation as many others. Astonished. We weren’t wrought through with irrational fear, but we kept our distance and I was the only one that left the house for many weeks. They were like Walking Dead food runs minus the zombies, sort of. After a few weeks of physical isolation and virtual experimentation, we started to notice a few things. Good things. Things that were always accessible but had somehow slipped through the everyday cracks of our lives. Here’s what I remember recognizing the most back then, for which I have gratitude now.

1. Dinner Time!

I can still hear my mother screaming out the front door of our Long Island home, “Dave!! Jess!! Dinner time!!!” I mean, that’s what every mother did in the eighties, right? My recollection was that in unison all the mothers in the neighborhood, at five o’clock, would start bellowing out the front door for kids they hadn’t seen in hours. The eighties were the best. It’s…



BW Dave
Belief, Decision, Action, Results (Rinse & Repeat)

Husband, Daddy, Investor, Musician, Coach, Headcase…all one day at a time. I write about things I experience.