Calling All Great Tenants!

The Government Won’t Let Us Help You.


Wall Street Journal

Dear New York Renters,

This is an appeal to all the hard working, responsible members of the rental communities in New York. You are the strength of the working class and the remnants of the once thriving middle class. You represent strong work ethics, family values and clean living. You are comprised of both blue- and white-collar employees. You are nurses, CNAs, retail workers, laborers, construction workers, administrators and truck drivers. You are fireman, police officers, veterans, paramedics and soldiers. You are able bodied and persons with disabilities. You serve a thousand other invaluable roles in society. You care about your neighbors, and how you treat other people matters to you. You have morals and you believe you deserve respect. You have strong spirits and you strive for something better for yourselves and your families. You chase the American Dream! If this does not describe you in any way, you need not continue reading.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

As the people who want you to succeed, and who want for themselves the same exact things you want, small landlords need you to start voicing your opinions regarding eviction



BW Dave
Belief, Decision, Action, Results (Rinse & Repeat)

Husband, Daddy, Investor, Musician, Coach, Headcase…all one day at a time. I write about things I experience.