BDD Addict Newsletter June-July 2019

Gáspár Nagy
BDD Addict
Published in
6 min readJul 2, 2019

The monthly dose for BDD addicts… In June and July stories by Bas Dijkstra, Martin Fowler, Liz Keogh, Gaspar Nagy and Thomas Sundberg…

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Dear BDD Addicts,

I know. It is summertime. But I thought with this last-minute-before-your-(and my)-holiday issue I would share a few articles to think of and to inspire you to try out new things once you are back.

What has happened since the last issue? Probably you have heard… Cucumber Ltd (the company behind the Cucumber open-source tools and their collaboration tool called Jam) has been acquired by Smartbear. With their combined efforts, they will invest more into the open-space tools and work on how Hiptest can be enhanced with the collaboration ideas of Jam. Exciting!

But now… let’s see our monthly dose of BDD, test automation and agile testing…

Photo by Karim Manjra on

[Test Automation] Test Automation: Think and communicate before acting

It is easy to see that regression testing is useful when adding new features to a product, to avoid the bad side-effects that would destroy your hard-earned reputation. It is also easy to see that manual regression testing does not scale well. Somehow the answer seems to be just as easy for many people: let’s automate! But if you have ever tried blindly rushing into test automation, you know that it is not without challenges and it is just as easy to completely fail with it as easy it sounded to go for it. Bas Dijkstra lists two common reasons for such failures and gives you a bunch of hints to avoid them.

6 Steps for Succeeding with Test Automation in Agile (Bas Dijkstra, linkedin:basdijkstra)

Photo by Zoe Holling on

[BDD] BDD for complex problems? Break them down!

I have shared already and keep sharing articles about how to write good BDD scenarios (you can also check out the beta of our new book, Formulation). Once you have gathered some practice with it, it is easy to spot out bad BDD scenarios: they are long and full of data. Regarding my experience, these scenarios are written in this form, because their goal or intention is unclear or not communicated well. One reason for this is that they address a too broad target, like an entire user story. In this article, I show a very simple, but very efficient technique for breaking down the stories to rules (acceptance criteria) and illustrate the rules with scenarios rather than the entire story.

Divide & conquer à la BDD: story, rule, scenario (Gaspar Nagy, @gasparnagy)

Photo from Gaspar Nagy’s post mentioned above

BDD with SpecFlow course

for developers and testers
with Gáspár Nagy

18–20 September 2019, London (UK)

Drop an email to, refer to this newsletter in the subject and get yourself a ticket at the early bird price!

[BDD] How many Givens, Whens and Thens are allowed?

On my workshop, I have got this question pretty often: “How many Givens, Whens and Thens are allowed?” When it is said, it sounds like that there is an oracle somewhere who makes rigid rules and if you follow those, you can get the “BDD” stamp. So I refuse giving a direct answer and let them discover the consequences of zero, one or many Givens, Whens and Thens. In the end, they are able to answer these questions themselves. Liz Keogh has shared her thoughts on this topic that contains a couple of good insights.

On Multiple Givens, Whens and Thens (Liz Keogh, @lunivore)

Photo by Siora Photography on

[Quality] Costs vs Quality? There is a problem with this question!

We are all talking about quality and especially software quality, so it is rather funny how much this core concept is undefined. We all have a feeling about it but this feeling might be misleading sometimes. I was happy to see Martin Fowler again at Craft Conf in Budapest after a long time and I really liked his thoughts on quality and costs that I would like to share with you.

Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost? (Martin Fowler, @martinfowler)

Photo by Neonbrand on

Try out the new open source Visual Studio extension for SpecFlow!

[TDD] Seniority is not a good excuse: TDD needs baby steps

The attendees of my TDD courses usually have written a few unit tests already, but they don’t have much practice in test-driven development. Through the exercises and the demos they start to get the practice and once they feel a bit more confident they start to overtake some steps of the TDD rhythm and make big changes without running the tests. And they fail. Not because they just learned TDD. I would fail too with my 10+ years of experience. TDD rules are not about seniority. Thanks to Thomas Sundberg for sharing his thoughts on it.

What is the size of a baby step? (Thomas Sundberg, @thomassundberg)

Photo from Vidar Nordli Mathisen on

If you liked this newsletter, please consider giving a 👏 or two and follow me for future stories. Thanks for reading.

Gaspar Nagy is the creator of SpecFlow, developer of SpecSync, working as a trainer & coach. Check out his public SpecFlow, BDD Vitals or Cucumber.jscourses or request an in-house private course for your team. He is a bdd addict and as such he’s editing a monthly newsletter about interesting articles, videos and news related to BDD, SpecFlow and Cucumber.

Originally published at on July 2, 2019.

