V model in software development lifecycle
V model software development lifecycle(SDLC)

V Model Software Development Lifecycle

Simran Sumaiya
6 min readAug 31, 2023


What is V Model software development lifecycle?

The V-model, also known as the Verification and Validation model, is a software development lifecycle framework that emphasizes the relationship between each development phase and its corresponding testing phase.

This model is often seen as an extension of the traditional waterfall model, with an added focus on testing and quality assurance. The V-model is widely used in industries that require a high level of rigor and quality control, such as aerospace, defense, and healthcare.

What are the phrase of V model software development lifecycle

1. Requirements Phase:

  • This phase involves gathering and documenting the requirements from stakeholders and clients.
  • The requirements are analyzed for clarity, consistency, and feasibility.
  • The output of this phase is a detailed requirements specification document.

2. System Design:

  • Based on the requirements, the system architecture and design are created.
  • This phase involves defining the overall system structure, interfaces, and data flows.
  • The output of this phase is a system design document.

3. Architectural Design:

  • The architectural design phase involves breaking down the system into smaller modules or components.
  • Detailed design specifications for each component are created.
  • The architectural design phase results in a detailed design document for each component.

4. Module/Component Design:

  • In this phase, each module or component is further broken down into smaller units.
  • Detailed designs for each unit are created, including algorithms and data structures.
  • The output of this phase is a module/component design document.


  • This is the phase where the actual coding of the software takes place.
  • Developers write code according to the design specifications.
  • Code reviews and inspections are often performed to ensure code quality.

6. Unit Testing:

  • After the code is implemented, unit testing is carried out.
  • Each individual unit is tested in isolation to ensure it behaves as intended.
  • Unit tests help catch and fix bugs early in the development process.

7.Integration Testing:

  • Once the units are tested, they are integrated to form the complete system.
  • Integration testing checks how different units/modules interact with each other.
  • Interface issues and data flow problems are identified and resolved.

8. System Testing:

  • In this phase, the complete system is tested as a whole.
  • Testing is done to validate that the system meets the specified requirements.
  • Various types of testing, such as functional, performance, security, and usability testing, are performed.

9. Validation Testing:

  • Validation testing verifies that the software meets the customer’s actual needs.
  • It ensures that the software is aligned with the user’s expectations and intended use cases.

10.Acceptance Testing:

  • The software is tested by the end-users or clients to ensure it meets their business requirements.
  • Once the software passes acceptance testing, it is ready for deployment.

Advantage and disadvantage of V model software development life cycle

Certainly, here are some advantages and disadvantages of the V-Model in software development:

Advantages of V model:

  1. Thorough Testing and Validation: The V-Model places a strong emphasis on testing and validation at each stage of development. This systematic approach helps catch defects and issues early, reducing the likelihood of major problems arising later in the process.
  2. Clear Documentation: Each phase of the V-Model has corresponding documentation, making it easier to track progress, understand requirements, and ensure consistent communication among team members and stakeholders.
  3. Predictable and Well-Defined Process: The V-Model provides a clear roadmap for development, making it easier to plan and estimate project timelines and resources.
  4. Risk Reduction: By catching defects early through comprehensive testing, the V-Model reduces the risk of delivering faulty software, especially in safety-critical industries where errors could have severe consequences.
  5. Suitable for Critical Systems: The V-Model is well-suited for projects where system reliability, safety, and adherence to regulations are of paramount importance. It ensures that every aspect of the software is thoroughly validated and verified.

Disadvantages of V model:

  1. Rigidity: The V-Model’s sequential nature can make it less adaptable to changes in requirements or unexpected developments. This can be problematic in projects where requirements are subject to frequent changes.
  2. Limited Customer Involvement: The V-Model’s structured approach might limit direct customer involvement until the later testing stages, potentially leading to mismatches between customer expectations and the final product.
  3. Time-Consuming: The thorough testing and validation phases can extend the overall project timeline, especially when compared to more agile methodologies that allow for more iterative development.
  4. Higher Upfront Effort: Due to the emphasis on detailed documentation and design upfront, the V-Model may require more initial effort before development begins.
  5. Inflexibility with Late Changes: If changes are required later in the development process, it can be difficult and costly to incorporate them due to the tightly linked testing phases.
  6. Limited Applicability: The V-Model is best suited for projects with well-defined and stable requirements. It may not be the most suitable choice for projects where requirements are rapidly evolving.
  7. Not Ideal for Small Projects: The V-Model’s structured approach might be overkill for smaller projects where a more lightweight development methodology would be more efficient.

Which software project is perfect of V model SDLC?

The V-Model Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is particularly well-suited for projects that prioritize thorough testing, validation, and quality assurance.

It’s commonly used in industries where safety, reliability, and precision are critical, such as aerospace, defense, medical devices, automotive systems, and other mission-critical applications. Medium’s audience might find the following types of software projects suitable for the V-Model SDLC:

  1. Medical Software: Software used in medical devices, healthcare systems, and patient management platforms must adhere to strict regulations and ensure patient safety. The V-Model can be an excellent choice for such projects, where validation and verification are essential to ensure accurate functionality and data integrity.
  2. Aerospace and Defense Systems: Aerospace and defense projects involve complex and safety-critical systems, where a single software failure could have catastrophic consequences. The V-Model’s emphasis on testing and validation aligns well with the need for rigorous verification of software functionality.
  3. Automotive Software: With the rise of autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), automotive software development requires careful testing of both individual components and their integration. The V-Model’s integration testing and validation phases can help ensure the reliability of these systems.
  4. Industrial Control Systems: Software used in manufacturing and industrial automation often has to interface with complex machinery and processes. The V-Model can provide the necessary framework for testing and validating software’s correct interaction with these systems.
  5. Financial Systems: Financial software, including trading platforms and banking systems, requires accuracy and reliability. The V-Model’s focus on verification and validation can help ensure that financial systems operate correctly and securely.
  6. Telecommunications Infrastructure: Building and maintaining telecommunications infrastructure demands software that functions reliably in various scenarios. The V-Model can help in systematically testing and validating software components to ensure they meet performance and reliability expectations.
  7. Regulated Industries: Any industry subject to strict regulations, such as pharmaceuticals, energy, and utilities, can benefit from the V-Model. This approach helps ensure that software complies with regulatory standards and meets safety and quality requirements.
  8. Government Projects: Government projects often have high stakes and stringent requirements. The V-Model’s systematic approach to testing and validation can aid in meeting these requirements and delivering reliable software solutions.

Endnote of V model SDLC

The V-Model offers a structured and systematic approach to software development, particularly well-suited for projects with stringent quality and safety requirements.

However, its rigidity and emphasis on upfront planning and documentation can make it less suitable for projects with evolving requirements or those that require rapid adaptation to changes. Choosing the right development methodology depends on the specific project’s needs, constraints, and objectives.

